Sunday, March 06, 2005

A beautiful Sunday evening. It's been a busy month, driving to Minnesota & back and then flying to Toronto to be with Richard's family. The hamsters barely recognized me when we got home. But they're definitely getting socialized, and spoiled. They're awfully manic at this age. Tweak plops to the floor and heads for the hills at every opportunity, while Butters tries to burrow into the furniture to hunt for treats (she found a piece of popcorn once, and just won't give up). They're like insane little cotton balls. Now that I'm sure Butters is a female, I'm leaving them in the same cage. I gave them each their own igloo for privacy, but they still insist on squishing together into one of them to sleep.
Demi will be staying with us during spring break, so we're both looking forward to that big-time. We haven't seen the kids since taking them home on January 3 and miss them very, very much. Demi plays her violin for us over the phone every so often, and she's getting really good. I can recognize the songs now! Aaron has a part-time job, as usual, doing...something. We haven't pried the details out him yet.
Richard is doing the set painting for The Cripple of Inishmaan, designing the poster, and doing some PR work. I'm working on the Cripple program and plugging away at the Satanic Panic book, digging up some extremely weird stuff. We're looking at condos and houses. (We've seen a few nice places, but nothing that jumps out and bites us.)
My friend Alan broke his arm last week while roller-skating (I didn't ask).
That's about it. After such a crazy early February we're just relaxing and enjoying this gorgeous, slushy, almost-spring-but-it'll-probably-snow-ten-more-times weather.

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