Saturday, March 12, 2005

Weirdest Blog

There are a lot of weird-ass blogs here at blogspot. A lot of them are written in what I swear must be code: icu2 2nite aite? loca cuz u sux...allgood69 smokz badweed...2qt4wdz...
But my vote for strangest blog of the month has to go to Rosie O'Donnell's blog, formerlyrosie, "the rantings of a fat 42 year-old menopausal ex-talk show spelling sux." After reading a few entries, I wish I could say it's absolutely fake, but I can't. There's a link to it on Rosie's official site.
The whole thing is written as poetry. Bad poetry. Beware.

you are not supposed to talk about your deposition/to anyone/but you do

then fame came it/and it got all nuts

Maybe Rosie's writing in code, too.

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