Tuesday, May 24, 2005

A Favourite Artist

Manwoman is one of my fave artists, and quite possibly my favourite Canadian artist. We have a print of the work shown in our living room. :)

ManWoman is best known for reclaiming the swastika as an ancient symbol of peace and prosperity, incorporating all kinds of swastika designs into his artwork: ornate swastikas, smiley-face swastikas, Hindu swastikas. In fact, his entire body is covered with about 200 fancy swastika tattoos, and he has a fascinating online museum of the swastika. But that's not all he does: ManWoman's catalogue of works includes Elvis the Pelvis and other portraits of rock gods with gigantic penises, plus funky custom guitars he named Orgasm and Miracle of Saint Penis; doe-eyed nuns advertising products like the "Barf Bag Instant Confession" and "Milk of Human Kindness"; a painting of two cows entitled Moodonna and Child; Mr. Death merchandise (Mr. Death is a tap-dancing skull who is "the first cousin of Mr. Peanut"); and psychedelic vagina portraits that have appeared on the walls of avant garde and mainstream Canadian galleries and in the pages of Juggs magazine (how's that for versatile?).

Needless to say, ManWoman is a recovering Catholic. He portrays so much genitalia in his art because he gradually realized that most of what the nuns had told him about masturbation, virginity, and sexuality in general was just a lot of @#$%&*. He urges people to reclaim the spiritual beauty of their sex just as he has reclaimed the spiritual beauty of the swastika. Amen to that.

1 comment:

Sue said...

Your post re ManWoman is right on! Above all, Manny showed us our sacred cows by tilting them sideways. The new view of our preconceptions and false ideals inspired us to eschew them:) Boy! Was that ever a powerful, invigorating and chain-removing experience! Lightened our loads a whole helluva lot:) Now that he has released his earthbound state, he is free to try on a whole new set of experiences:)