Sunday, May 22, 2005

Monkey Bait

Here's a recap of what I wrote before Ratbastard (oops, Ratzinger!) became Poop. I mean Pope.

"The Pope Must Die
Okay, look: The pope is elderly. He's sick. We all have to go sometime. Why can't we all just accept this and let him go gracefully? It's not like there won't be another pope. Heck, they killed the last one and he was replaced in about two minutes! So don't go getting your rosaries in a knot - there will always be another confuzzled geriatric in a funny hat to tell you what to do.To be honest, I don't believe Pope JP II is even sick. I think he kicked it a few months back, and what we're seeing now is a papal Weekend at Bernie's situation. Hate mail can be addressed to"


tshsmom said...

Guess he hasn't found you yet! Either that, or he didn't catch on; humor is lost on him. He's a teacher; what can we expect?

tshsmom said...

I'm so sorry! First the Mormons, now the IllogicMonkey.
Happy Anniversary anyway!

S.M. Elliott said...

Why, thank you!
It totally annoys me that Illogic picks on people who are probably a lot like him in some ways (and I mean traditional, not a**holes), and ignores ME, his worst enemy. Heehee.