Thursday, September 22, 2005

Satanists are smrat

This was posted on one of the Yahoo! Satanic groups to which I belong (for research only):

"Satan is a kind loveing God He dose not judje people on how they spellon how they look or on anyones mental compacity He loves you the wayyou are weather your the prettiest smartest person in the world or theuglyist stupidest person in the world Satan dont judge on these thingsas long as we love Him thats all that matters it is the xtain god whojudges people on how they dress or how they look or on their mentalcompacity and these so called High priest or preistes or any trueSatanist would and should know better than to poke fun of the way aperson post or spell or look Satan is a loveing Father HAIL SATAN THEALL MIGHTY GOD."

Now, I don't like to judge people on their spelling, grammar, or "mental compacity", either...but damn, woman! Spellchecker is there for a reason!


The Zombieslayer said...

I think I must have been an English teacher in my previous life because I just gave up. It was too painful to read with all those mispellings and typos.

I just hope they didn't graduate her from high school.

S.M. Elliott said...

I hope there's a good literacy program for Satanists somewhere.