Much as Pat Robertson and Billy Graham tried to pin 9/11 on gay people and assorted other "sinners", a Philadelphia-based fundie org called Repent America declared that New Orleans is in deep sh** (literally) because it has hosted the gay Southern Decadence festival for 33 years. Why God would get his shorts in a knot on the 34th year, they didn't explain. Repent America also pointed some fingers at Mardi Gras.
Now call me stupid, but is it more likely that:
A. New Orleans was flooded because it was in the path of a hurricane, had inadequate levees, and is located below sea level? Or...
B. New Orleans was flooded because guys in hot pants blow kisses at passersby once a year?
From Repent America: "New Orleans is also known for its Mardi Gras parties where thousands of drunken men revel in the streets to exchange plastic jewelry for drunken women to expose their breasts."
So....breasts helped cause massive flooding in New Orleans? Wow. Didn't know they could do that.
But seriously, New Orleans is (was?) one of the baddest cities in the U.S., no argument. Anyplace that condones, much less encourages, freedom of sexual expression is a modern Sodom and Gomorrah, right?
Wrong. I've read the Old Testament, and trust me: these cities were much worse than party places. We're not talking co-eds flashing their boobies or guys in buttless chaps here! We're talking roving bands of rapists! As soon as fresh meat arrived in town, mobs would knock the door down to get at 'em. Men, women, kids - they didn't care (the mobs were not just gay, as fundies would have you believe).
Do you know any cities like that?
I didn't think so.
That's why these tired Sodom and Gomorrah arguments annoy me. They are so shallow. Come on, if God destroyed corrupt cities, wouldn't D.C. have been blasted off the map already? Would Vegas still be standing? How about Bangkok? Or that island where the Bounty mutineers lived and where everybody has sex with their kids? Or Salt Lake City, founded on religious fraud?
When disasters like Katrina hit, it's time to pull together and help in any way possible, not time to say, "Well they certainly had that coming!". It could be your city next.
Friday, September 02, 2005
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Why is New Orleans in such a mess?
I'll have to think about this...
Actually, there may not be such a difference:
Rape IS occuring in Louisiana.
Including child rape.
That said, I would be hesistant to claim that the reason for a disaster was God's wrath. I suspect
that few people know God's will.
Sadly, you're right about that. Child molestation is epidemic in most parts of the world. There are even cabals of abusers in some places, like the island I mentioned (also rural France, Los Angeles, Ireland...the list goes on and on). Nothing on the scale of Sodom and Gomorrah, fortunately, but enough to put us all in danger of annhilation if God decides He has had enough.
"That said, I would be hesistant to claim that the reason for a disaster was God's wrath. I suspect
that few people know God's will."
Quite frankly, any God who would will such a disaster would be one not worshiping anyhow!
Great post, SME. Have you read the entire Old Testament? If so, I am impressed. Genesis bored me to death and I just couldn't read anymore.
GWB: Right on!
I even made it through the begats and the descriptions of the Temple! Dry reading occasionally, but no worse than some bestsellers. There are some truly beautiful stories in the O.T.; I cried at times.
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