Thursday, September 01, 2005

A Sound of Thunder

Remember that Ray Bradbury story where a travel agengy offers dino-hunting tours, and the only rule is you can't step off the walkways they've constructed, and this moron gets chased by a T-rex and stumbles off the path, squooshing a butterfly? And when he returns to the future, everything has changed so drastically because of one little butterfly that he can't speak the language anymore? It's a movie. But they Jurassic Parkified it so much I'd never recognize it if not for the title.
For the same Chaos theory premise without the action-adventure, though, I hear The Butterfly Effect is pretty good.


tshsmom said...

That was one of my favorite Ray Bradbury stories. Did you FINALLY read it or are you quoting me?
The Butterfly Effect is AWESOME; but then I'm the one that told you to start with. NYAH!!

S.M. Elliott said...

Yes, I read A Sound of Thunder. I recognized the title right away on Rotten Tomatoes and I thought, "Oh, they DIDN'T!" 'cause I knew they'd make it stupid. Which they did. Oh, well.

tshsmom said...

Look at the CRAP they've made out of Heinlein's books.

S.M. Elliott said...

I can't think of any offhand except Starship Troopers. That one wasn't bad, if you can stomach exploding giant bugs.