Since the spam filter on Hotmail works sporadically at best, I was clearing out junk mail tonight. Just when I thought it couldn't get much worse than penile enhancement and FREE velour tracksuits, I came across this vile piece of garbage:
Dear Friend,
As Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, I am often asked what are some of the most important and critical needs facing the Christian community today. Without hesitation, I would submit the need to raise up, train and empower this emerging generation of leadership. The future of our nation will be determined by the kind of young men and women that will enter the public square and shape policy for the next thirty years.
And, the reality is that future is now!
Today, twenty something's are graduating law school and joining firms. They are becoming educators, entering the world of business, journalism and the arts. Right now, a future Supreme Court Justice has just started their legal career. And, the next anchor of Fox Evening News is working at a small television station as a beat reporter.
This current crop of young people is also entering the world of politics and public policy. Here in Washington, D.C., many key positions are staffed by dedicated Christian young people who are still in their twenties. My prayer is that one day they will become legislators that will help restore our nation back to moral sanity.
One such young person working to change our world is 28-year old Brandi Swindell, the National Director of Generation Life. Generation Life is a national pro-life/pro-chastity youth organization dedicated toward ending the horror of abortion and sharing the message of sexual integrity. They are working with students, activists, artists and musicians across the nation to be a loud, passionate voice for the nearly 50,000,000 innocent children that have died from abortion.
Some of the events that Brandi has been involved with are:
Leading large pro-life/pro-chastity events at the 2002 Salt Lake Olympic Games. Through her efforts she got the Red Cross to withdraw it's support of public condom distribution with Planned Parenthood. Their success drew national attention.
Organizing major pro-life witnesses at the Republican and Democratic National Presidential Conventions.
Leading demonstrations at the White House to speak out against the funding of embryonic stem cell research.
Organizing and promoting concerts to help women in crisis pregnancies.
Being one of the spokespersons and organizers of the fight to save Terri Schiavo in Florida.
The work of Brandi has been featured on programs such as Fox News, the O'Riley Factor, CNN, ABC, CBS, and NBC network newscasts, the BBC, MSNBC, and the 700 Club. She has appeared in the New York Times, Washington Post, Washington Times, Boston Globe, Time Magazine, WORLD Magazine, the Associated Press and the Los Angeles Times.
Brandi is also the Co-Director of the Keep the Commandments in Boise, Idaho. The coalition was formed to keep a Ten Commandments Monument from being removed a Boise city park. They drew national attention by preventing the monument from being for 70 days by holding daily vigils and rallies around the monument. Brandi also led a voter initiative effort to have Bosie become the first city in America to vote on the public display of the Ten Commandments.
Now Brandi is now facing one of her greatest challenges. This November 8th, she is running for Boise City Council. Imagine a 28- year old national pro-life and Christian leader running for office in the Northwest's third largest city. She wants to impact her city in a powerful way and she desperately needs our help!
However, this race is about much more than being on Boise's City Council. Rather, it is about this emerging generation stepping in the public square and making a difference. Because Brandi is a nationally known figure, this race will have a ripple effect across the nation. If Brandi wins, she will be an inspiration and role model to thousands of young people across the nation. They will follow her lead in running for public office.
Imagine the impact thousands of passionate Christian young people can have over the next several years. We literally can see our nation turned around.
The Christian Defense Coalition believes so much in the impact that Brandi can have with this generation that our ministry has given $1,000 to her campaign. That is the highest amount allowed by law.
Right now, we are asking you to join with us in support of Brandi's campaign. The good news if Brandi raises $30,000 she will be the next Boise City Council person. A Zogby Poll was commissioned and clearly showes that Brandi has a very good chance of winning this race. All she needs is the resources.
So, please prayerfully consider sending the largest gift possible to help Brandi get elected. Remember, it is not just about winning a city council seat. Rather, it is about empowering and inspiring this generation of leaders to make a powerful difference in our nation. Now is the time for us to stand.
The best way send a donation to the campaign is to go to You can make a gift of $1,000. $500, $100 $50 $25 or another amount through PayPal. It is completely secure and it is billed to your credit card and the campaign gets the money right away.
Please join with the Christian Defense Coalition is raising up this emerging generation of leaders. The future of our nation is in the balance. We must act now.
For our future,
Rev. Patrick J. MahoneyDirector of the Christian Defense CoalitionWashington, DC
phone: 202.547.1735
Um, bite me hard, Reverend. This girl looks like Malibu Barbie (you must if you want to be considered a true Christian by the militant right) and probably spends more dough every year on mascara than I spend on...everything. If she has to run for office so frickin' badly, then she needs to A. Get a night job. or B. Fuggedaboutit. If we give money to this dippy fembot now, we might be seeing "Barbie for Prez" signs in a few years. People, I implore you: JUST SAY NO!!
Saturday, October 22, 2005
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Brandi SWINDELL? Pronounced, swindle?
I wonder why you got that.
I don't know why I get "Enlarge YOUR penis organically!" ads either, but it all ends up the same way: Emptied trash. ;P
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