Thursday, October 27, 2005

"Learn How to Love Rats"

Today I received this email from the Great Pointed Archer Society's Outreach Team:

Hello...I was recently forwarded your site and I must say, you have a lot of great input for the Great Pointed Archer effort.We have had a great deal of success with our petition to the change the name of the rat, and we do appreciate all the help we've gotten from friends of rodents all over the world.If you send me an address I'll ship a couple t-shirts to you asap...just tell me what size. mentioned that you received an article on our cause? We were not aware of any articles written recently and this was very intriguing. Please tell me what paper/date you're referring to.

-GPA Society.

P.S. It's ok you referred to our society as "dildos." We understand it'shard to believe we're doing what we're doing.

Well, that was nice of them. Not everybody is so gracious when you say they might possibly be a dildo.


tshsmom said...

Now don't you feel bad?

greatwhitebear said...

I love a radical cause with a sense of humor!