Saturday, October 01, 2005

The Song Lyric Mysteries I: "Elderberry Wine"

The #1 Most Indecipherable Song of All Time MUST be "Louie, Louie." I don't know a single person who doesn't wonder what the @#$%* is goin' on with that song.

In Canada, Jean Siberry's "Mimi on the Beach" is the big puzzler. (Not because we can't hear the lyrics, but because they make NO FREAKING sense the first time you hear it.)

But for me, it has always been Elton John's "Elderberry Wine." And the mysteries, I'm pleased to announce, are all cleared up for me. I think.


"There's a trunk in the corner I keep all my letters, my bills, and BLUPBLUPBLUP too..."


"There's a trunk in the corner/I keep all my letters/My bills and demands I keep too."

Okay. So the guy just doesn't pay his bills. He's not keeping anything freaky in that trunk.


My mother insists Elton John is singing "I remember the times when you were a wife of mine." I thought he was singing "when you were a wild f*** of mine." But I'm willing to split the difference and admit he could be singing "wild wife of mine."


Well, Elton and Bernie say it's "wife of mine". And I say they're full of it.


"How can I ever get it together without a BLUPBLUPBLUPBLUP?"


"How can I ever get it together without ANOTHER WIFE IN LINE."

That's one Song Lyric Mystery solved.


tshsmom said...

Told ya so!!!

The Zombieslayer said...

Heh. There's a song that I don't know the name of it. It talks about something in outer space, and there's a line that sounds to me like "Van Halen is overrated." I know that's not what it says, but I'm curious to what it does say.

Wandering Coyote said...

You must explain Mimi on the Beach to me.