Sunday, November 27, 2005

Well, I found out why season one of Twin Peaks was so cheap.

  • It doesn't include the pilot.
  • Artisan has no intention of ever releasing season two on DVD.



The Zombieslayer said...


I've seen about half a dozen episodes of the show and really like what I've seen. Love Mulholland Drive and a few other movies he's done.

I saw the pilot years ago. I don't remember if it was somebody's videotape or what format it was in.

I could see you liking Twin Peaks. Actually, I could see you actually understanding it. ;)

I certainly don't.

S.M. Elliott said...

I don't think it's even possible to fully understand Lynch stuff. The most you can shoot for is "bafflement". I get Mulholland Drive, but even that has its befuddling moments.

S.M. Elliott said...

I don't get Eraserhead AT ALL. Why does there have to be a drawer full of pudding? What's up with the bleeding turkeys?

tshsmom said...

OK, I now have a NEW list of movies NOT to see!