Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Hello Clairol

I am an old hag, and I'm not yet 28.
Today, I found a gray hair.
I'm pretty sure people in Alaska heard me screaming.


tshsmom said...

Teehee, heehee, giggle, giggle, guffaw, chortle, snort, haha, snigger. LMAO!

S.M. Elliott said...


tshsmom said...

This post is funnier than your cartoons.
BTW, I didn't hear you scream and we're the same distance as Alaska. Must be your concrete walls. Was it like your spider scream or like your head lice scream?

S.M. Elliott said...

Louder than both.

tshsmom said...


Wandering Coyote said...

Sorry to hear that. I didn't hear a scream coming from the east...

Go grey graciously (now that the screaming is over)!

Or call it a "feature."

greatwhitebear said...

So THAT'S what set Kipper to barking so loud this afternoon!

Actually, I'd gladly take grey hair, as opposed to NO HAIR... thank god for baseball caps. What would I do if there were no more baseball? Yikes!

tshsmom said...

GWB, you could always get an Orange Co. Choppers hat. ;)

S.M. Elliott said...

Maybe I should wear baseball hats...

tshsmom said...

You're not gonna go bald!! You have my hair.

S.M. Elliott said...

Well hats cover grays too!