Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Conservs. Harper. Blech.

Did anybody see The Daily Show segment on the Libs' attack ads? They showed one of the ads and said, "That's not an attack ad, this is an attack ad..." Then they showed the Queen and asked, "Whatsa matter, Canada, don't wanna leave your giiiirrrllllfriend?" Richard was peeved, but I thought it was funny.
Seriously, though, I was hoping those attack ads would work. Dang. I guess they need to step it up a notch next time. Like this: "Is it just me, or does Stephen Harper look like the kind of guy who has sex with goats and small children when no one is watching? You decide."


The Zombieslayer said...

Isn't Stephen Harper your new Prime Minister?

Don't know much about him, other than Michael Moore hates him.

The Zombieslayer said...

Their ads crashed my Firefox. I guess I won't be voting for them. Oh wait, wrong country. ;)

S.M. Elliott said...

Guess they really are attack ads. :S
Harper is indeed our new PM. @#$%*&.

S.M. Elliott said...
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tshsmom said...

Your brother told me ALL about that episode. He thought it was hysterical!
Today the paper said that Harper would finally give the west some representation. Don't you feel represented?

ZS, Michael Moore hating him isn't necessarily a BAD thing. ;)
Give the Canadians a couple months, and they'll have ANOTHER election!

S.M. Elliott said...

Yeah, the rule is never get used to the PM 'cause he could be outta there in 5 minutes.

Wandering Coyote said...

I saw that segment from The Daily Show. I thought it was hilarious, and pretty much bang on. We have our share of mudslinging up here, but it isn't as bad as the stuff that goes on down there during elections. I thought the segment was well done and illustrated how seriously we'd been taking ourselves up here.

Hawkeyi's Blog said...
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S.M. Elliott said...

Aw, I was only jokin'. Not about the goats, though.

greatwhitebear said...

The real problem with attack ads is that we liberals are just not mean enough to pull them off.

Conservatives sound natural running them. Let's face it. Conservatives are naturally mean spirited. It is part of being conservative.

Liberals are positive forward thinking folks who have trouble seeing the worst in people, so when they try to say mean things, they just sound silly.

If the Liberals had been smart, they would have just kept repeating the mantra "Brian Mulroney, Kim Campbell, Joe Clark" over and over until the popi;ace begged for the liberals to govern.

S.M. Elliott said...

You're quite right. Attack ads just aren't natural for libs. A big picture of Stephen Harper giving the thumbs-up, or one of the aforementioned PMs doing anything at all, would've sufficed!