Thursday, January 26, 2006

Well, we saw Brokeback Mountain, and it wasn't bad. I'll stop calling it A Bunch of Gay Cowboys Eating Pudding because a) They're not really cowboys, they're sheepherders, and b) It's not so much an indie film as it's like The Bridges of Madison County. For gay cowboys.
Seriously, though, the film is very sad because these two men were clearly made for each other but could only be together in rigidly traditional ways: Through sex, fighting, and "fishing trips".


tshsmom said...

Hmmm...maybe Dawn should check into this. The "boys" go on a LOT of fishing, hunting, and NASCAR trips. Maybe I should ask them? ;)

Wandering Coyote said...

Damn boonie-land! I am dying to see this and it's not playing anywhere near here!

I'll be in civilization in 1 month and hopefully it'll still be in theatres then.

S.M. Elliott said...

I think the NASCAR trips are a dead giveaway that they're straight. :D

tshsmom said...

Can I ask them anyway and say that YOU want to know? hehe

S.M. Elliott said...

Mom: NO!!
WC: I feel your pain. I grew up with a two-screen theatre and substandard videostores, constantly pining for obscure films.

Hawkeyi's Blog said...

Thanks Bear for putting aside your first fears of this film and treating me to BB Mountain and popcorn...Luv ya!

S.M. Elliott said...


tshsmom said...

*covering ears* lalalala ;)

greatwhitebear said...

"I think the NASCAR trips are a dead giveaway that they're straight. :D"

Don't be too sure.. everyone knows that real men only race open wheel!

S.M. Elliott said...

GWB, you may have a point there...

tshsmom said...

NOW can I ask them?

Why don't you ever comment on MY blog, Doug? *pout*