Tuesday, February 28, 2006

100 People Who Are Screwing Up America, Part II

Here are a few of Mr. Goldberg's picks...

#99: Matthew Lesko, the infomercial guy who wears question marks all over his suit, for telling people how to mooch more money out of the government

#98: Texas congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, for her 2003 rant that more hurricanes should have African-American names. "If I were you, I'd try to pass a law mandating that all hurricane names - without exception - be restricted to Biff and Skip and Muffy..." Or, as La Shawn Barber asked, "What could she have been thinking? That black children watching 'Hurricane Denzel' wreak havoc in their neighborhoods would gain higher self-esteem?"

#97: Todd Goldman, for designing T-shirts with slogans like Boys Cheat - Cut Off Their Feet and Stupid Factory - Where Boys Are Made; Goldman points you'll never see a T-shirt that reads Homos Make Good Pets - Everyone Should Own One, so why is okay to print one about the men of tomorrow?

#95: Courtney Love, with just one word - "HO."

#90: Michael Jackson. "If I have to explain it to you, you shouldn't be reading this book!"

#82: Laurie David, for shrieking at strangers who drive SUVS even though she travels regularly on private jets that consume more fuel in a single trip than a Hummer does in one year.


tshsmom said...

LMAO, I may have to read this!

Wandering Coyote said...

I guess you have to be from the US to appreciate this, because, although I can see why these people are idiots, I don't recognise any of the names. Perhaps we should have someone write a Canadian version; Ralph Klein should be at the top of the list.

S.M. Elliott said...

I would LOVE to see a Canadian version of this. Klein would soooo be in there.