Thursday, February 23, 2006

Butters at 8:00 this morning. Nocturnal, my a**. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...'re alive at eight a.m. ???? Maybe I will finish my book..I've just realized the improbable happens.

S.M. Elliott said...

Normally I'd say *THPPPPT!!*, but in this case I'll say, "Yes! The improbable does happen! FINISH the BOOK!!"

redjane Stephanie Belding said...

Ha! 8 am- you're amateurs! I've had so many cats sit on my head at 4:30 am getting me up. I thought perhaps if we bought them all groovy watches we'd rectify the problem...or switch the clocks so they'd get confused and sleep in, whadda ya think? :)

S.M. Elliott said...

What is it with cats and 4:30 AM?! I had a cat that did one of two things at that time: Bite my toes as hard as he could, or lay on my hair until I tried to move my head.

tshsmom said...

As you know, I've spent more sleepless nights with puppies than I EVER did with you 2 kids. Boo and Hairry were ready to rip at 3 a.m.

S.M. Elliott said...

Thank God Hairry doesn't sit on your head! ;P