Match Point was good. Anyone who liked Crimes and Misdemeanors and the tragic half of Melinda and Melinda might enjoy it - but if you only dig Bananas and Annie Hall, stay away.
There seem to be a lot of rumours that Scarlett Johannsen & Woody might have had a "thing". I seeeeeeriously doubt it. He's 70, people! She's 21. Sure, he has a much younger wife - a mentally challenged orphan that he obviously imprinted himself upon - but I think Scarlett knows she can do a great deal better. Give her some freakin' credit.
Monday, February 06, 2006
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I would go solely for Jonathan Rhy-Myers.
I noticed during the movie that Rhys-Myers and Johannsen look a LOT alike. They could be twins. Kinda freaky.
Brian Cox, one of my favorite actors, is in the movie too, but he only had a teeny part. ;(
Let's all take a vote here. Is Mom gonna watch this movie in ANY form?
I vote "no."
Oh yea, Mom'll watch the movie and Elton John will lose like a hundred pounds and SME will finish a book.
I don't see the similarity, but I do know that Scarlett has a twin brother in real life.
Har har, Dad. ;P
WC - I didn't see it at first, either. But seeing them on screen together, it really shows.
Scarlett is sexy. She seems intelligent and has a neat voice. I think Woody Allen likes to believe they have a thing.
Maybe he started the rumors. :D
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