Hope is on the way.. winter is supposed finally return here, after the warmest january on record. The good news.. We can't have mch more than 6-7 weeks of winter at this point. I can live with that!
Is that you on the roller skiis? I've been lusting after a pair of those for years! I love x-country skiing, but almost never get snow where I live. I thought the roller skiis would be similar. Are they? How difficult is it to learn to use them? Is the sensation very similar to x-country skiing?
Nope, it's not me. My boyfriend sneaks random photos onto my blog while I'm sleeping, the bugger. But I've always wanted to try roller-skiing, too. I've seen people really flying, and I'm sure it's fairly easy once you get the hang of it.
"All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. All these aspirations are directed toward ennobling man's life, lifting it from the sphere of mere physical existence and leading the individual towards freedom." - Albert Einstein
Hope is on the way.. winter is supposed finally return here, after the warmest january on record. The good news.. We can't have mch more than 6-7 weeks of winter at this point. I can live with that!
I KNEW it! As soon as I saw this, I knew he did it again. hehe
We've had record highs here all winter, and no more than an inch of snow altogether. It's positively freaky.
Is that you on the roller skiis? I've been lusting after a pair of those for years! I love x-country skiing, but almost never get snow where I live. I thought the roller skiis would be similar. Are they? How difficult is it to learn to use them? Is the sensation very similar to x-country skiing?
Nope, it's not me. My boyfriend sneaks random photos onto my blog while I'm sleeping, the bugger. But I've always wanted to try roller-skiing, too. I've seen people really flying, and I'm sure it's fairly easy once you get the hang of it.
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