Friday, March 03, 2006

"One way or another..." Posted by Picasa


tshsmom said...

Now THAT'S the TRUE definition of "rattling a cage"! What a brat!

S.M. Elliott said...

The one in the cage (Butters) isn't any better; she sticks her whole nose through the bars, trying to grab fur.

tshsmom said...

Bridg, I had no idea that you were a biting ball of fur! hehe
You can be a cage rattler though. ;)

S.M. Elliott said...

Richard tormented them tonight by putting them in each other's cages - they'd steal all the other's food, get back to their own cages, and realize they didn't have any more food than they started with! ;D

tshsmom said...

Poetic justice! hehe