The weather is so perfect, I haven't been indoors long enough to blog much lately. Although I did update The Devil Appears, because some pushy Satanist chick wrote me an email practically ordering me to respond to comments about it that she put on her website - she was miffed that I'd forgotten to enable comments from non-Bloggers. And now that I've enabled comments from outside Blogger, she hasn't commented. Go freakin' figure.
Anyway, I'm working on the second-to-the-last theatre program of the season, and then I'm done (someone else is doing the program for the year-end musical). I probably won't do this again next season. I've been program person for about 2 and a half seasons now, and since I wasn't good at it to begin with and have only improved marginally, they'd be doing themselves a big favor to find someone who isn't a) totally unqualified, and b) doing everything on MS Works. The only reasons I took on the job in the first place is that no one else stepped up to the plate, and the more qualified people were scared away by a few rather evil directors and board members ("Playbill Nazis"). Maybe I'll audition for some shows next season, as that's about the only thing I haven't done at Walterdale (besides costumes - I can't sew a stitch). I haven't acted in, oh, 'bout a decade, but perhaps it's like riding a bicycle.
We saw American Dreamz yesterday. Great satire; I wish there were more movies like this on the horizon! It seems like decent satires only come out about once every 5 years. The director of this one said it's extremely difficult to get one financed and distributed.
I went to Chapters yesterday looking for Chuck Palahniuk's novel Survivor, but they didn't have it and I bought Diary instead. The cashier, who was about 18, took one look at it and started this stream-of-consciousness, hyper chattering at top speed, like "OhwowIhaven'treadthisoneyetbutIreadLullabyeand
it'stotallyextremeit'sevenworsethan FightClubhaveyoueverheardoftheColoringSong?"
I sensed that he'd just asked me a question but I couldn't really tell. This guy was in serious need of Ritalin.
"Um, I'm sorry, didn't catch that."
I thought, the Coloring Song? Dude, I haven't watched Mr. Dressup in over 20 years!
"The Coloring Song?"
"NononoTheCullingSong! "It'sthissongwhereifyousingittooldpeopletheydiepeacefully
He actually said a lot more, but I didn't catch very much of it. I just said, "Oh. Cool."
Today I went to another Chapters and got Survivor, 'cause I read most of Diary last night and really enjoyed it. This time the cashier told me that a guy in Calgary passed out from reading Palahniuk's Haunted. So between fainting men and "The Coloring Song", I just don't know what I'm in for here... Maybe I should just stick with Thomas Hardy.
I just talked to my mom for the first time since my aunt, uncle, and grandma left after their weekend visit, and found out that in addition to a big-ass outdoor grill, they gave my folks a stuffed, foot-long, vibrating dolphin from the Mirage in Vegas. Is this a new souvenir trend? Whatever happened to shotglasses? Just what is a person supposed to do with a gigantic vibrating dolphin?! No, wait - please don't answer that. I could happily die without ever knowing.
Monday, April 24, 2006
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I could always send it to you next Christmas. ;)
Don't you dare! I'll find a huge vibrating MOOSE somewhere to send you. :D
MS Works
Now there's an oxymoron.
As for giant vibrating dolphins, I have no idea but I want one now.
I like the dolphin- I really, really like it! And I can't wait to see American Dreamz- I nearly saw it on Saturday. Good ot know it's worth a look. I also love your clerk-spiel; I think they're the same everywhere. ALthough I know so many people who have not survived working at the Chapters empire so maybe Ms.Resiman's vibe has something to do with the neurotic tendencies of the staff. I know I've heard that from ex employees. Don't they all have Starbucks in them now? Too mmuch caffeine for the book sellers, I guess. I'll ahve to check out Palahniak's stuff- I've seen it over the place but not read it. I'll go to the library first, though...
The coffee, of course!! I should've thought of that. They're working mere feet away from a vendor of one of the world's strongest legal stimulants, and if you factor in ADD (or just your average Gen Y attention span), you've got some very crazed clerks...
I googled "vibrating dolphin" out of curiosity. Believe me, you don't wanna know.
ZS - I'm petitioning to have the name changed to "MS Suffices".
I've been doing payroll on MsWorks for years and could not do without it!
I posted a picture of the dolphin, if anyone is interested.
It's kind of an empty threat. Of all the worthless souvenirs to be found in Canada, I'm not so sure a humungous vibrating stuffed moose is among them. But hey, ya never know... I didn't think "fresh air in a can" would be a big hit, either.
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