Yeah, neither can I. But Michael Calace, director of the new documentary Rape of the Soul, says Steve Erspamer, here, is a "satanic pornography specialist...a Marianist brother, who has been supplying the world with sexual laden occult horror for decades." Actually, he's been supplying the world with the kind of retro, big-eyed, block-styled religious art seen above for decades, what Irish Elk called "Kumbaya Kitsch". Erspamer is like the King of Catholic Clip Art, his work appearing in so many church publications that you probably recognized it without really giving a flying sh**.
Calace, on the other hand, is pretty sure that Brother Erspamer has been sneaking subversive filth into his pictures, like the word "Sex" hidden in the folds of Miriam's robe, or three 6s disguised as decorative curliques on a picture of the Crucifixion. This is so very pathetic and hilarious at the same time. If Michael Calace thinks this is the most deviance Catholic art has to offer, I have one word for him: manwoman.
Good Lord, it's Ms. John Faith!
Reminds me of they guy who was sure the song "Puff, The Magic Dragon" wasn't a kids song, it was all about drugs>
GWB, my parents ALMOST confiscated my Peter, Paul and Mary record over that rumor. :(
What I wouldn't have given for Snopes.com back then!
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