Wednesday, June 14, 2006

A Sad Day

Mr. Dressup (in rerun since 1996) is finally going off the air. I can't say it's a sad day for me, since the characters I grew up with, Casey & Finnegan, were dumped many years ago, but it's definitely a turning point in Canadian kids' TV. I don't know if there's anything comparable to take its place. The kids' channel, Treehouse, only runs bizarro stuff like "Kleo the Misfit Unicorn" and that show where Graham Greene is dressed as a big tree.
A few years ago I tried to watch a few minutes of the Finnegan-free Mr. Dressup, but changed the channel the second Mr. Dressup said, "Now I'm gonna put on my big pink bunny costume!" Hell no!


Anonymous said...

Given the state of television, the only way to get the viewers is when MRS. Dressup puts on the bunny costume!

S.M. Elliott said...

Well, I dunno...There must be a few sickos out there who'd MUCH rather see Mr. Dressup in the bunny suit...

tshsmom said...

Scotch tape sales will plummet if Mr. Dressup goes off the air.

S.M. Elliott said...

I knew you'd say SOMETHING about the Scotch tape!! ;D