Monday, August 21, 2006


  • My friend A. started working at an electronics store a short time ago, and it just so happened that Aaron wanted to buy a whack of electronics gizmos-&-whatzits to construct something-or-other, so Aaron spent a pleasant hour geeking out and I got to drop off A.'s extraordinarily belated birthday card at the same time! Then Richard, Demi, and I got the hell outta there, 'cause we had no clue what we were even looking at.
  • Right about the time I learned about Xenu, and right around the time Richard underwent his Scientology stress-test, Aaron found this Scientology price list. It's horrifying. I'm only kidding so don't sue me.
  • The world is going to end just when I finally decided to get a gym membership. Damnit.

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