Monday, August 21, 2006


We've had a great weekend with the kids: Hanging out at the wading pool, where Demi tried to wax Richard's legs with Silly Putty and Aaron and his dad had a heart-to-heart talk about their religious beliefs; laughing over that very uptight kid in Trekkies; having a fun dinner even after the egg-or-nothing debacle; taking walks to Tim Hortons; and countless other goofy things.

But there are those moments...

At 3:30 AM I was drifting nicely off to sleep, dreaming of dolls with dollhouses inside their heads (their eyes and ears were the windows), when Demi and Aaron began their bickering in the bedroom. Aaron's sleeping on a camp mattress on the floor and Demi's on the bed, but even that arrangement caused some weird arguments around 2:30 AM: "Turn that noise machine off! What are you doing? Did you hit the wall? What if a plane crashes into this building and the neighbor doesn't save her chihuahua?" Etc. I asked them three times to leave each other alone. I tried to switch places with Aaron, but he grumbled, "NO. M'sleep!" And Richard refused to sleep on the sofa bed with Demi because she kicks. So, the kids had to stay in the bedroom together no matter what.
My solution: Noise machine off, and a furious warning to shut up immediately or else NOBODY sleeps; I'll keep y'all up till sunrise so you'll know what it's like to be sleep-deprived, so help me God!! This settled everybody down fast, though Demi is still mildly concerned about airplanes careening into the building (Richard's taking care of that concern).

Me, on other hand: I'm wide awake now. I know I'll be exhausted and low on energy tomorrow, yet I have to get up early to shower, take Aaron to the electronics store where my friend A. works, get a haircut, go to the grocery store, make two dinners (spinich cutlets and veggies for Demi and me, Chinese Hotdish for Richard and Aaron), etc. On a day when I've slept AT ALL this is just routine stuff, but on 3 hours of sleep or less it's not going to be enjoyable - and I want this time with the kids to be very enjoyable, for all of us.

Now, since I can't sleep, doubts and concerns about Paul and Juliet's arrival here on Wednesday are cropping up in my mind like weeds. I know they're excited to see us all, but how will they feel about spending a week in a 550 sq ft condo with cement floors, an unifinished ceiling, and a chair that Richard salvaged from outside the dumpster?

For Richard and myself it's all charmingly simple and Bohemian, but will a successful young couple with a three-bedroom home, several vehicles, and the time and money to take exotic vacations find our living situation a bit distasteful, even pathetic? I mean, we're not a young couple starting out. Richard's in his 50s, I'm approaching 30. It's not exactly "cute" to live in a teeny Bohemian space at our ages, in the eyes of the more successful people who aren't yet paying child support. I mean, we don't even have a gym memberships! Visitors to this condo might feel nothing but sadness and pity, just like Richard and I feel when we see a bum crawling into dumpsters for the night.

Paul and Juliet are adventurous, kind, and open-minded people, but c'mon...who, serioulsy, would want to spend their vacation nights in a concrete shoebox with 4 other people? I just hope they can close their eyes and pretend it's a hostel: Noisy, crowded, a little seedy, but clean and comfortable with lots of interesting people.

I'm far too keyed up and nervous to sleep. Tomorrow's gonna be tough. But at least I'll sleep like a rock tomorrow night!


tshsmom said...

P and J are coming to see their FAMILY!!
You said the operative word, they don't have KIDS. You can afford the extras, when you don't have kids to support. The way A and D are acting, P and J may NEVER have kids. Heehee
With P and J's time difference, you'll probably have a 24 hr household. You can all sleep after everybody goes home.
BTW, Z, Boss, and I are wondering what a spinach cutlet is. Z says he would've opted for eggs too.

I have NO PROBLEM feeding Dems. Just buy a case of Ramen noodles and a case of Little Debbies. ;)
Aaron's easy. He'll eat everything except lasagna and hot dogs. Don't feed Aaron beans with that many people in your house!!!!

S.M. Elliott said...

We WOULD just buy a case of Ramen Noodles if we were grandmas like you, heehee!! But here we crack the whip and have a "4 people, 2 dinner" rule: We cook one meal + one vegan entree per night, & if you don't like ANY of it, too bad! None of this 3 or 4 different meals for 4 people business. (Plus we'll be having hot dog and spaghetti nights just for Dem! So don't be such a grandma and take her side on this!) Aaron's just happy I'm still making Chinese hotdish. You're right, he's not hard to please.

The cutlets were really tasty! It's just chopped-up spinich with a crunchy vegan breading on it.

As for P & J, you're right: We won't be spending much of our time in the apartment anyway, and Paul already knows how Bohemian his dad is! :D (hey, at least I have paper napkins this time!)

tshsmom said...

SURE, buy napkins for the Taiwan relatives, but NOT for the American relatives! ;)

Chinese Hotdish, YUCK!!!

Dem, come visit Grandma K, who has LOTS of Ramen noodles, Little Debbies, and fruit roll ups for you!
I'll hide the needles before you get here. ;)

BTW, go over to Laura's to view your brother's new hobby. Aaron might like to get in on this one.

S.M. Elliott said...

Oh my word. What's he gonna DO with that stuff?! It only has so much entertainment value: I finally registered "The Anita Bryant Story" and Jerry Falwell's "Listen America!" with and dumped them in the lobby downstairs for someone else to laugh at.

tshsmom said...

For starters, he's sending the heaviest stuff(more $'s in postage) to his bullies! The most ridiculous stuff we're sending here, for the entertainment value. I'm leaning towards "How to Explain Gay to your Children" and "The Back to School Kit".
The possibilities are ENDLESS!! mwahahaha

S.M. Elliott said...

You guys are warped. (but hey, you're getting free amusing hate literature, and I paid like a buck for The Anita Bryant Story)

tshsmom said...

OH, like you're NOT warped?
We consider this a public service. We're wasting their money so they have less money to spew hate with.
I'm sure that they'll catch on before too long and our "gravy train" will end. *sigh*
I'm also curious to see if a shipment actually arrives. They may disregard shipments to people who don't "donate".

S.M. Elliott said...

If you call the televangelist with the bad comb-over, he'll send you a free ketchup packet of "miracle spring water".