Tuesday, August 15, 2006

There are a few couches worse than The Monstrosity

Like the 2003 winner of the World's Ugliest Couch Contest. I'm guessing it's a rejected set piece from Seussical the Musical. Posted by Picasa


Wandering Coyote said...

Oh my god. It looks like a boat.

S.M. Elliott said...

It looks like it's growing, like a mushroom or mold...

tshsmom said...

Swanky! ;)

Anonymous said...

After she won, she sold it to the big blue genie from 'Alladin'...

S.M. Elliott said...

No, it's the other way around: Even the Genie thought it was too tacky, and sold it to HER on eBay...

Hawkeyi's Blog said...

Yeah thats nice, but does it pull out into a bed?