Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Veg Toons

They call it nitrates. We call it life. Posted by Picasa


Hawkeyi's Blog said...

my word she's gett'n militant, I might have to sneak out for lamb

Laura said...

I should warn you that upon first glance, those looked like dancing penii...

I won't eat hot dogs, I think their gross. The only kind of sausages I eat now are from a local butcher and are preservative free.

S.M. Elliott said...

Richard: "Hey, why are you drawing penises?" ;D

I ate hot dogs and just tried not to think about them too much, but not it's veggie sausages and soydogs.

S.M. Elliott said...

Er, "now" it's veggie sausages...

tshsmom said...

Doug, you'll have to come down here so you can have some meat. ;)
How did the carnivore family wind up with a vegan daughter?

S.M. Elliott said...

He eats meat. Don't let him fool you. ;D