Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Bit by painstaking bit, I'm replacing our most-watched VHS tapes, waiting for specific DVDs to go on sale. Today we hit the jackpot: Rocky Horror and Donny Darko for $10. Also got Judgement at Nuremburg and American Beauty and my favourite Brit comedy ever, Fawlty Towers. I know all but two episodes by heart but still watch 'em. "Ve haf meat here in ZE BUILDING!" *snicker*

Richard is taking Aaron out for a driving lesson. We'll see how that went.


Wandering Coyote said...

Fawlty Towers is one of my big faves, too. I had them all on tape but the tape is now lost. I'll have to ge the DVD one of these days...

tshsmom said...

Yeah, your Farty Towels was just a copy of our VHS tapes, so you did need a new copy.
I KNOW that you didn't pilfer American Beauty from us. YUCK! ;)

Anonymous said...

Ooooooh, jealousy rears it ugly head. Dad wants Fawlty Towers DVD!!!!!!

tshsmom said...


Wandering Coyote said...

I love the sign at the beginning of one of the episodes that reads 'Flowery Twats'.

Tshs: you didn't like American Beauty?

tshsmom said...

Hated it, WC!

S.M. Elliott said...

Don't wanna rub it in, but the sound quality is sooo much better on DVD... ;D