Friday, September 15, 2006

Kiwi's out of the bag

Lonelygirl15, "Bree", has been outed by NBC Nightly News, the Silicon Valley Watch, and numerous Googlers with webcams as 19-year-old New Zealand actress Jessica-Lee Rose. In an interview with the AP, she admitted to being a bit overwhelmed by the emotional response to the hoax, and the popularity of the show. She auditioned for the part of Bree after seeing a call for a film project entitled "Children of Anchor Cove" on Craigslist.

Before moving to the U.S. last year, Jessica-Lee appeared in Leah Salveson's short film Dearly Beloved. (see a trailer here)

Also, three 20something screenwriters who claimed to have created lonelygirl15 with a simple set and a $130 webcam spoke to NBC, explaining that they wanted to create a "very realistic" storyline. Sorry about that, guys. ;D
What they did not reveal was the purpose of the hoax. It's still possible, as many bloggers suggest, that the whole thing is a viral ad campaign for a movie (if so, a B one). Brian Williams hinted that the screenwriters just wanted some exposure, and this was a cheap and innovative way to get their work out to the world. I doubt it. Their work, if it is indeed their work, is not impressive enough to showcase in such a dramatic and controversial way.

The latest lonelygirl video was shot at night, outdoors, since Danielbeast has been permanently banished from Bree's house and she now must sneak out to see him. The video ends with Bree downing an iron pill and Daniel asking, "Is your dad making you take those?" Perhaps we're to believe that the "Satanists" care deeply about the iron content of their sacrificial victims' blood?


Laura said...

Do I live under a rock? I had absolutely no idea what Lonelygirl15 was...

S.M. Elliott said...

Nah, you don't live under a rock. Some of us just spend too much time on Youtube. ;)