Thursday, October 05, 2006

Phlegm, Stephen King, and Repatriated Polar Bears

Bad head & chest cold. I'm reading The Stand along with the Unfortunate Events books, and weirdly it makes me feel better. Just a cold, after all!
So I finally saw Lost on TV, the season 3 premiere, and had to suffer through the commercials with everybody else. (The DVDs have spoiled me.) Turns out the polar bears were real! They were presumably part of a DHARMA project, as seen among the scribbles on the blast door map: "STATED GOAL, REPATRIATION ACCELERATED DE-TERRITORIALIZATION OF URSUS MARITIMUS THROUGH GENE THERAPY AND EXTREME CLIMATE CHANGE". Alrighty then. I have no idea what useful purpose this would serve.


Laura said...

I just read the Stand again over the summer. I love that story. One of my favorites for sure.

Have you ever read the Dark Tower series?

Feel better

S.M. Elliott said...

I'm kind of interested in the Dark Tower books now that I know more about them (I just came across a fansite the other day). They sound pretty unique.
I think the worst of the cold is over. :)

Laura said...

If you like the Stand, you'll like the Dark Tower. You have to get through the first book (which is admittedly a little dry). Two through 4 just ROCK, they're so good. The last two I wasn't as impressed with, but others have liked them.

Anonymous said...

I'll definitely give 'em a try. I'm only about a third of the way thru The Stand, but I'm really enjoying it so far.

tshsmom said...

I tried reading the Dark Tower books. I couldn't make it through book 1. Too flowery!
Like Dad says: "Stephen King tends to get diarrhea of the word processor!"