Thursday, November 02, 2006

My Must-See Movies

  • The Queen (hear Helen Murren is great in this, big shock)
  • Marie Antoinette (punk rock royalty...well, why not?)
  • Running with Scissors (Phony book, but...Brian Cox! Annette Benning!)
  • Infamous (irresistable to compare/contrast with Capote)


Wandering Coyote said...

I'm with you on The Queen; I've heard nothing but great things about it and Helen Mirren is one of my favourite actors. I'm also interested in Marie Antoinette; generally I like Sophia Ford Coppola (though Lost in Translation was lost on me, frankly). I also wouldn't mind seeing Running with Scissors even though I haven't read the book. Infamous? I don't know if I'd spend money to go see it; Capote was just so good and the guy playing Capote doesn't quite to it for me like Phillip Seymour Hoffman did.

Gardenia said...

I want to see Marie Antoinette badly myself. I'm way isolated in this dang job, I'm not even sure what new movies are out. My TV broke, the theatre here only shows ancient movies. But I'm makin' a list!

S.M. Elliott said...

WC - Just saw a matinee of The Queen, and it was very good. Thoughtful and quite balanced. I'll post a review soon.
I liked Seymour-Hoffman in "Capote", but the guy in Infamous is such a lookalike for Capote I can't help feel the first movie was a bit miscast. But it looks more sensationalistic and judgemental than "Capote", if the trailers are any indication.

Diana, thank God for DVDs, eh? There are so many movies I want to see right now, I know I'll just be renting most of them months from now.