The Last King of Scotland is finally here! Whoo! It looks excellent. Also, I really dig Forest Whittaker; His 15 minutes in The Crying Game were the only part of the movie I liked.
Richard is going through his nightly ritual (ordeal?) of watching Glenn Beck. He despises the guy and is probably his most faithful viewer. I never get to watch Oprah anymore, *grumble grumble*. Speaking of Oprah, she's under fire again for having Shawn Hornbeck and his parents on yesterday's show. I didn't think this was out of line, as she was very careful to refer to the kidnapper as "alleged", wasn't pushy like Nancy Grace, etc. I don't feel the Hornbecks are sub-par parents for speaking publicly about their ordeal, because they provided excellent pointers for people who may notice that the guy next door is behaving awfully strangely with that "homeschooled adopted son" or whatever, and because their story was already all over the media. People who find themselves unexpectedly in the public eye often give one or two interviews to media personalities of their choice to avoid still more rampant speculation - it's commonly done, and unless or until we're in the same boat we have little room to judge. And while I'm on the subject, I don't think anyone deserves to be castigated for donating their personal money and time to schools in Africa. Africa is a mess. If the wealthy of the West want to help in any way they see fit, I say go for it. Kudos.
Friday, January 19, 2007
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Can I take the 5th on this? or is that the 9th? I have to be an American to take the 5th? Never mind. Doctor Phil starts a 4pm,(grumble grumble) Oprah (grumble grumble)at 5pm, Glenn Beck my favorite "bash the conservative" and entertained. Okay I tend to admire some dictatorships on the planet, and I've been stereotyped as a commie at times, I think I'm somewhere between a liberal and socialist but none of this matters, I'm not running for politics anyways so society is safe (for now) I was driven giddy over the 24/7 of this kidnapping issue about the two boys I'm happy for the kids, and there parents... but its been a media circus ever since, and there's no where to hide from it even up here on our Cabin in the sky. Oprah makes millions on advertising, her Executives salivate on stories like this and exploit it to its extremes for big $$$ , just like $$$Fox$$$ $$$CNN$$$ on and on. It still stings a bit with OJ getting away with murder, You know it was a media circus nightmare then too. This guy who kidnapped these two boys won't get a fair trial, he's guilty before proven guilty already and media has played judge and jury, You know this media circus going 24/7 since this story broke is making billions on this story...Don't don't care about who gets hurt, Okay I'm guilty , I love watching that sick twisted freak Glenn Beck, and if I can get an hour of something else besides this kidnapping on all the other networks. I'll confiscate the channel changer from SME, and let her fume... Oh dam, Glenn's over now,,, its that Grace show coming on now, I think there talking about that kidnapping thing... I'll put the head phones on and find some infomercial on Time magazine dancing to the 70s n 80s (Hun , you can have the channel changer back) Love Ya!!!
I was gonna post about this today too. I totally agree!!
I think the media is just pissed off because they didn't get the "exclusive" interview.
If I was in those family's shoes, I would have chosen either Dr. Phil or Oprah to get the rest of the media hounds off our backs.
In addition, Oprah doesn't pay for interviews, so the families can't be accused of cashing in on their tragedy.
Mom: Exactly. Good point about the money, too. :)
Richard: Really?! I can have the remote? Cool! :D
I still think Oprah has gone to fluff, schools in Africa and all. She's so upper middle class USA now - decorating, celebrities, and don't get me started about what she said when she cancelled her bookclub. She just doesn't have anything interesting on on a regular basis anymore, so I've given up on her.
Y'know, I missed the whole bookclub ending. What happened there?
Oprah definitely is middle-class, not to my taste some of the time(and a lot of her books were just depressing!). But as far as daytime talk shows go, she's queen. I mean, what else is there in the late afternoon? Montel?
WC, you're right. Oprah just isn't consistent anymore. Her makeover shows make me retch!
Towards the end, her book club was actually getting better. She was getting into the classsics, instead of all the hopelessly wretched books she had been recommending.
SME and Doug, instead of a 2nd computer, you guys need a 2nd TV. ;)
LOL...I agree with mom here. You two just need a second tv where you each can watch what you both want.
Here is somethign for you all. We were watching the news the other night after American Idol and this family had something go wrong with there house or something and the mother was really distraught. She had three kids outside but they had locked there fourth child in her room for two years. The only time she got to go out was to go to the bathroom but she wasnt allowed outside. I guess she did something wrong when they moved into there house. None of the neighbors even knew there was fourth child. They always saw the three playing outside. It was sick really but interesting at the same time. I mean you read about this stuff in books or watch tv shows about stuff like this but I never thought people really did this kind of stuff.Well I suppose off to do a load of laurndry and then off to a chess tournament this weekend after jeff comes home ina bit. He got asked to work for a few horus this morning. talk later. N.
Man, what is wrong with some people?! If you're so deranged or hate your child so much that you feel you want to lock him/her in a room for years, why not just turn him/her over to social services and be done with it?
Tell J good luck with the tournament. Wait, is he in it or are you going to watch? Well, either way have yourselves a good time. :)
She basically said, about the original book club, that there just weren't any books out there worth her while anymore, so she stopped it. I found this terribly insulting. She then, after a break, brought in the classics book club, but I notice that didn't go over well. I actually read a lot of Oprah picks and thought, overall, that the books were pretty good.
Daytime talk has totally gone down the tubes. There isn't really anyone worth watching anymore, but I do once in a while tune into Dr. Phil. Cannot stand that Tyra Banks show.
I have to admit gratitude to Oprah for introducing some books I would never have noticed on my own, that I enjoy immensely, like "She's Come Undone". (although most of the credit for that one goes to my dad, who brought it home from the library for some reason...)
I can somewhat understand what she means about not finding enough good books. There isn't a LOT of stuff out there right now that really affects me deeply; most of my favorite authors are long dead. But it would have been great to the see her continue with the classics - can't understand why she gave up on that so soon.
OK time to start reading newspapers again.....
I need to start staying away from newspapers; I'm sure I'd be much happier! ;)
All I have to say is that I can't wait to see the Last King of Scotland either. It looks freakin fantastic.
That story I told you about. Havent heard anymore about it but I agree with you on if you are that mad at them dont lock them up just put them in foster care or something. But some parents are just that way. It despises me but nothing I can do about it.
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