A woman in our building needed a new home for her mini-lop, Sophie, since she works a lot and doesn't have the time to devote to her. I noticed the sign in the lobby and hemmed and hawed about the idea for a few days. Demi wanted to bring home a rabbit once and Richard told her no, so... (this is bad) I kinda-sorta didn't mention Sophie to him until she was already safely installed in the living room. Heh heh heh. But now that she's here, he's taking a shine to her.
She's about 6 months old, healthy, and quite friendly. A bit shy at the moment, though.
She's sweet!
She looks just adorable. I am glad R has taken a liking to her. I think Rabbits are just cute and cuddly. I hope she grows out of the shyness stage quickly for you guys though. She will be just as spoiled as Butters I think her name is. or is it a him? Not sure but they will both be very spoiled pets. If you dont have kids this is the next best thing. LOL....
Judging by the way she was cuddling into your neck on the webcam, I don't think she'll be shy for long.
How long before D has a plate for her on the table?
Is she still in love with that printer box?
D, I had NO IDEA that SME hadn't discussed this with you when I told her to go for it yesterday! ;)
Both girls. Demi will be thrilled - she's been asking me to get a rabbit for ages. Richard was having a hard time picking her up without being kicked half to death, but he's getting the hang of it now. ;)
He's already been feeding her bits of apple. She discovered that it's nice to press her butt against the register, so she hasn't been hiding by the box anymore. ;P
Maybe Sophie can help Hairry get over his register phobia.
I cant imagine Big old Hairy being afraid of a vent. I suppose. People have the weirdest fears I suppose dog can too right??? LOL... Well hope he gets over it soon. Is this a new thing or has he always been that way?
Om my god, she's gorgeous! I've never had bunnies but I think they're really neat little guys- congrats on the new addition!
Thanks, Red Jane! It's been ages since I've been around a bunny, so it's a little new for me too.
I think Hairry's register phobia is here to stay. Tweetey's right - we all have weird fears, so why wouldn't dogs? Boo freaked out every time snow fell off the roof while she was indoors, but it she was outside and it fell right on her she'd barely even notice. ;D
They do stink a fair bit. it is kinder to the rabbit to be left out doors in a cool environment.
If you are into 'talking to the animals' don't mention the word myxomatosis to the Bunny, or rabbit stew. Hope you don't become bored with it, they require a lot of attention, however, I prefer the H H type.
Hairry would love to meat her.
I don't mind the smell, it's not unpleasant. And since this is a vegan household she's perfectly safe from the stewpot; only "beaf" stew here!
I never tire of animals. Humans, occasionally, but never animals. ;D
I would tire of one human being here if he was any more mean.Sorry if you time how long some one has been on your blog with like sitemeter. I had to go get K. She has lice and i have to clean everything. I just left with out signing out of here. N.
SME was raised to know that pets are a lifetime commitment! Pets are part of our family and are never left outdoors.
What a cute bunny! We live in an apartment, so no pets right now. But when we get a house, I want a dog. I miss my golden terribly. I think that's the only pet I'd want.
I do have a funny bunny story, though. When my brother and I were quite young, we lived in the country. Our mom bought us each bunnies. We'll, I'd never had a pet like that before, so I wanted to feed it. I saw these little brown pebbles around the cage and thought it looked like something a bunny would eat, so I picked them up and tried to feed it to my bunny. Luckily for poor Dixie, my grandpa came around the corner and saw what I was trying to do and put a quick stop to that. And to think my poor bunny wouldn't eat! :-P
Notta, that's hilarious - those pellets DO look like bunny food. ;D
Tweets, sorry to hear about the lice! Z brought it home from 1st or maybe 2nd grade, and passed it to me. Not fun. But it cleared up pretty quickly.
I don't think I'd keep a rabbit outdoors even in the country unless it was in a garage or porch or other heated place...far too cold around here. From what I've seen of Sophie, rabbits like to be in the warmest places possible, like cats.
The trouble with pets living indoors is, they bring their own pets with them.
True! ;D
The vet checked her for critters, though, and she's clean.
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