OK, just two more and then I'll cool it with the bunny pics for a while, I promise! ;D
The first one I call "Go. Away." Butters likes to assert her seniority by ramming into Sophie with her ball. The second I call "Put the @#*% camera away."
Sophie seems to be litter trained now, though she will most likely mark her territory occasionally until she's spayed, because she's a hormonal teenager. She has her first vet appointment on Monday.
Not surprisingly, Sophie prefers chewing shredded paper to munching on $10 timothy-grass hay. And she likes hamster food more than her own, while Butters prefers the rabbit food. Why are animals always so interested in other species' food, anyway?
I find myself conflicted in my feelings toward rabbits. Cute and cuddly - tender and tasty...how am I to choose?
Or as the rabbit lady in "Roger & Me" would ask: "Pets or meat?" ;D
Several of Richard's coworkers have offered to take Sophie off my hands... for stew, of course.
It took me a while to understand who Butters was and Sophie, but I got it now. Lovely 'kids' they are. I don't have pets, and when I had some they were very posh regarding their food. Maybe it is an identity crisis? Love the pics.
Why thank you! I don't think I'll ever understand the palates of animals. They won't eat broccoli, but they'll lick their own bums...
You got that one rigth sme. I mean look at trucker for instant he wouldnt eat anything human unless it was chocolate and then like you said he would clean himself senselss down there. LOL...
Kids on the other hand now. I wont go there. No my children have never done anything as rash as one little boy I know. It still gives me the creeps when I think about it. Maybe some day I will tell you that one but not right now. Well gotta go eat. Our pastor is coming over in a littel while to do bible study. talk later n.
I need help here some one!!!!! I forgot to ask last time I logge in here. I need some blog addresses. I have made a few friends and dont remember who I have chatted with recently. Please help. I have a few on my side bar but I cant get some of you there because it says NOT FOUND when I hit your name. Thanks everyone.
OK, I'll ask...how MUCH timothy grass do you get for $10?
Al, don't tell Sophie, but SME has eaten rabbit before.
Wait, what? I've eaten rabbit?
Tweetey, some of the names have been disappearing for some reason. Just a glitch, I'm sure it will pass.
$10 for 20 oz of hay. What a bargain. NOT.
$10 SHOULD buy you 5-50lb BALES!! Shit, I thought I was bad for paying $3/lb for thistle seed!
Larry gave us a bunch of frozen rabbit, when we helped him move to Marty's. She wouldn't eat it.
Heehee. You must not have told me I was eating rabbit, or I would've remembered it. Very sly! ;P
Why is it convenience never comes cheap? Just cause I can't buy by the bale, they'll charge whatever they please. Alfalfa's quite a bit cheaper, but it's not good for bunnies.
I can't remember if we told you. We were living in the old house, so that was over 20 yrs ago!
broc-vit K, does not grow wild like dandelion roots, clover and grass their staple diet plus wheat, barley and oats when in season, try some of this and little bumble bum will love you for it. the little bumbles can be put to good use in your potting mix.
Hmm, bunny fertilizer. I hadn't thought of that. Unfortunately I'd rather stunt my plants' growth, as they're shooting up like weeds (for all I know, they ARE weeds).
Living in the country as a child the local people would eat rabbit quite often. this would often be peppered with lead shot(included in the culinary processing)this would be removed before eating if it could be found. However, this was not the case in our family who were aware of the dangers and only ate trapped rabbits.
You may ask , why eat rabbits? answer; Poverty-hunger-cheap-nourishing. and it tastes good too, but never see it for sale lately, I think it is because of the big M problem.
Well, a lot of people around here seem to like munching on rabbit. A friend of a friend raises them for food, though his breeding buck is a special pet.
North Korea has just ordered super-sized rabbits (25 lbs each!!) from Germany, as a source of meat for impoverished parts of the country.
We would place nets over the burrow holes, leaving one un-netted until the ferrett was inside, then take several home and house them in concrete and wire pens for later attention.
Following the horse drawn Binder; an early type harvester, when the field of wheat barley or oats had only a small centre area to be cut, the rabbits would run the gauntlet of burly school boys with cudgles, any caught would sell for sixpence; which was equal to 2% of a farm laborers wage in the 1930's, or alternativly taken home for din dins.
I promise another strange rabbit story soon, bye bye bunny lovers.
Google....Australian rabbit fences. stacks of info here, interesting too.
Ah yes, I forgot you've got oodles of rabbits down there! I saw the film "Rabbit-Proof Fence". Remarkable: For want of an effective bunny repellant, human lives were saved.
If I ever write my memoirs someday, in fact, I'm going to have a chapter entitled "The Rabbits in Australia". But that's another story, not entirely suitable for a PG-13 blog. ;)
Title Speedy Gonzales.
About thirty years ago we were given a matching pair of tame bunnies from friends who owned a garden plant and tree nursery and had branches everywhere. Archie and Priscilla were given free acaccess to the back yard (Grass).
Our dog and two mogs would back away from them mistrustfully.(?)
After settling down, Priscilla one morning at breakfast was disgorging her third litter of eight littlies, on hearing this I left the table and grabbed Archie; put him in a box and into the car and took him to the Vet to have his testimonials rearranged.
The next couple of weeks saw Archie bonking the back steps, in a dry run, unfortunately Archie died from complications, possibly a trapped supply of bunny sperm.
Priscilla on the other hand delivered eight more tiny one's in the minimum time from the last lot. so it appears that Archie was there a second after the last bunny was born about eight weeks earlier, faster than a speeding bullet.
A few years later Priscilla died from Fly Strike.
Omigod! Bunny...Hamster...too cute...for words. Your furry babies are too precious!
sme: loved your send up of me on tshs. a lot of people will remember me when I'm long gone.
One should always be diplomatic when dealing with adversaries, like saying "Good-Dog" until you find a large rock. Say 'Hi" to Sophie from me.
Vest, I had to do it... your rants invite parody. But, I scarcely did you justice. ;D
Bunnies are many things, but idle critters they are NOT. If humans were half as busy we'd have a better society (albeit an overpopulated one).
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