Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Bad Bunnies & Buried Bi***es

Sophie's being a demon today, leaping onto the couch or grazing on the rug every chance she gets. That's not just red-eye in the photo...she prob'ly is possessed.

Lost was interesting tonight. Turns out Nikki, last seen in the Pearl Station with Locke and a few others, wasn't so cute and innocent as she looked. How many murderers are on the island? I'm losing count. I'm guessing she and Paulo will die, 'cause despite what you see in Carrie and Kill Bill, I doubt you can dig yourself out of your own grave.


Wandering Coyote said...

I though this episode was a little ho-hum. Maybe because there wasn't as much emotional investment with these two characters. There were some interesting details in the flashbacks that took place after the crash, but otherwise I'm not sure how this episode advances the plot. I bet we haven't seen the last of them, though.

tweetey30 said...

That is what I thought when I actually sat down and watched it last night. I havent seen it in months now so I was actually lost in the plot. It got boring for a while so we quit watching it and then I went to watch Jerico and couldnt find it because Dummy here had the wrong channel on.LOL.. Wasnt thinking straight last night. But bad bunny is right. But she has to play some how.LOL.. Maybe not with the wires but if she has her toys set out in front of her she wont play with the rug.LOL..

S.M. Elliott said...

I don't know how this storyline fits into the scheme of things, either, but I'm sure it will somehow. Maybe the only real nugget of valuable info for the time being was Paulo eavesdropping on Juliet & Ben's plan to lure Jack.

Sophie's pretty sly about nibbling on the rug. You don't think she's doing it at first because she SEEMS to be playing with a toy, then you look closer when she doesn't know you're looking and you notice she's actually chewing on a string. Little bugger.

I've never watched "Jericho", but I have to admit it looks interesting. I probably wouldn't be able to catch up with the story at this point, though.

tweetey30 said...

I havent watched Jericho in a while myself so I am not even sure I could keep up with the story line.

Bridget Jones said...

I don't watch those shows but I do love those bunny pics!!!

Angelique said...

I would watch Sophie, she looks like she has a plan and it's evil, she is the Dr. Evil of bunnies.

tweetey30 said...

She looks so sly. Hope she is doing better and not chewing as much. I suppose she is just like a baby though.They chew on everything if you let them.

S.M. Elliott said...

She will chew on a lot of stuff, especially paper. Especially when I'm not looking. ;D

tweetey30 said...

LOL.. Just like a child. She has to be watched like a hawk.