Richard bought Butters and Tweak for me just a day or two after I started this blog in January '05. (Our 2nd pair of hamsters, Scooter and Sammy, had died under weird circumstances that I blogged about at the time).
Tweak died in December '06, after a lot of health problems.
Butters held on even after a stroke (or something like a stroke), a sprained ankle, and a few other maladies. She was, as I've said, one tough hamster. But tonight was just her time. She fell unconscious after 8:00 tonight, and was gone by midnight. It's crazy how attached we become to these little furballs, but after 2+ years of observing their personalities and quirks it's impossible not to love and admire 'em; they're small, but they're feisty.
I'm certain that after this summer's holiday and next winter's trip to Taiwan, I'll have another rodent-like critter around the house along with the bunny. Maybe a degu.
Goodbye, Butters: You were a fighter to the end.
I'm happy that we sent her off with laughter and love!
The little toughie really hung in there, didn't she? Good thing you went to the bathroom. ;)
We LOVE you!!!
Goodbye babies. They were cuties. Their antics kept you delighted a lot, no doubt. Why do pets have so much shorter life span thatn us. They teach us a lot - maybe even how to cope with death.
I have to say she was cute. I am sorry to hear about her. It not easy losing an animal. I mean if you have had this one for ten years or six months. You get attatched. Hope you are coping. Now you have more time to spend with Sophie though for the time being. Tweets.
I'm not as sad with Butters as with some of the other hammies...she lived a very long and full life.
Sorry to hear the little gal is gone. That's the thing with small pets: they have smaller life spans. Glad she brought you so much joy, though.
Sorry to hear about your little hamsters. They are so sweet and innocent, it's hard to see them go.
My daughter lost her little Ferris a year ago. Like yours, he had a long full life. Makes it a little easier somehow.
But still.........they are missed, huh.
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