Saturday, March 17, 2007

What did St. Patrick DO, anyway?

We don't know when Patrick was born, what he did for most of his life, where he lived, or how he died. Basically, he was an English bishop missionary who traveled through Ireland sometime during the second half of the fifth century, if he actually existed. There's no evidence that he did. Some Catholic scholars argue there were two Patricks.

According to legend, St. Patrick banished all the snakes from Ireland. As Ireland didn't actually have any snakes in the first place, "snakes" could be a reference to Druidism's sacred serpent symbology (like St. George's dragon). So Patrick was a herpaphobic, and/or Druid-hating bishop who may or may not have existed and may or may not have Bible-thumped his way through Ireland centuries ago. By all accounts, he did not invent green beer.

Dude, thanks for nothin'.


Anonymous said...

St. Patrick: "You are PISSING ME OFF....gimme another beer wouldya?"

tweetey30 said...

I dont drink so green beeer or any sort of acohol doesnt concern me but yes who is this mysterious little green man they talk about each year???LOL.

tshsmom said...

Good point!
Now you went and ruined my annual St Paddy's Day festivities. You KNOW how I love green beer and crowds! ;)

Vest said...

Yeah he was the original patron saint of RAILWAY LINES invented by the British. Hi puddycat.

S.M. Elliott said...

I've heard the green beer isn't hard to get down...but coming back up the next day, it's not so pretty. ;D

Shawn said...

Wait...he didn't invent green beer? That's just a bunch of crap then.

Next I'm gonna find out that St. Nick wasn't a super nice guy who gave out presents to the good little girls and boys. I don't think I can handle this kind of disillusionment.

Anonymous said...

its imm. gotcha did I not? aint I smart.

Anonymous said...

Hide in shame

S.M. Elliott said...

I'll cancel my post on the Tooth Fairy, then, Shawn. ;)