Thursday, March 01, 2007

World's Shortest Movie Reviews


Summary: As you prob'ly know, FBI agent Robert Hanssen was a Soviet spy for about 15 years before the agency busted him. This isn't an FBI glamour movie, though; it is mentioned that Hanssen himself was once put in charge of the effort to catch the mole.
Upsides: Kickass performances from Laura Linney as Agent Burroughs and Chris Cooper as Hanssen. As we already know from American Beauty, Cooper has the Uptight Creepy Perv character down cold. Watching him attend Mass, then stare fixedly at Catherine Zeta-Jones movies in the privacy of his sterile little office... *shudder*... You do get inside Hanssen's head -which isn't easy to do - and you learn that maybe he spied not only for the cash, but because he felt underappreciated by everyone except the Soviets.
Secret Society Aside: I thought this movie would exploit the Opus Dei connection (both Hanssen and FBI Director Louis Freeh were members), like I hear Yale's Skull & Bones Society is exploited in The Good Shepherd, but they downplayed it. I'm glad. A creep is a creep, no matter what clubs he joins.

The Woods

Summary: Direct-to-DVD horror movie about a haunted girls' boarding school in the 1960s. Suspiria this ain't. Somehow, the director nabbed Patricia Clarkson as the headmistress (I'm guessing he blackmailed her).


tweetey30 said...

Sounds like our kind of movie. I will have to look at this one also the other review you mentioned. Would you e-mail me those two movies. Just the names where I can look this weekend at the movie store if we go. Just where we have two new movies to watch besides movies we rent all the time. LOL.. Thanks N. Tweets.

Laura said...

I heard they were remaking Suspiria. Maybe The Woods was it and they couldn't get the Title rights? I'm with you though - leave Dario Argento alone.

Gardenia said...

Sounds fascinating - I will have to find this movie! There are about 5 out on my must-see list.

S.M. Elliott said...

Tweets, I'm trying to remember the two movies I reviewed earlier. I think one was..."The Last King of Scotland" but can't remember the other. D'oh. I hate this part of getting older... ;P