Thursday, April 12, 2007

Blogs That Make Me Think

Tagged by Tweetey. I'm supposed to list and describe 5 blogs that make me think. This is tough, since every blog I read makes me think; we all have such diverse backgrounds, interests, and opinions. But, here goes...

1. Rigorous Intuition. I don't know Jeff Wells, I rarely comment on this blog, and he and I are on opposite sides of various issues (like Satanic ritual abuse). Yet Wells's thoughts on "deep politics", conspiracies, ufology, and an array of other strange topics are always intriguing, insightful, and mind-opening even when I don't agree with his conclusions.

2. My mom! (Homeschooling Our Tourette's Kid) Though she started her blog to discuss issues relating to Tourette's, she also posts on everything from bugs to toilets to credit cards. I always learn something new, though sometimes I'd rather not. ;D

3. Tweetey (NBR's Spot). Tweets shares the joys and frustrations of raising two little girls with a lot of humor, pride, and happiness. I'm honored to call her a friend.

4. Laura (The Sarchasm). Laura's posts on gender identity, feminism, and religion are always enlightening, her movie reviews are fun, and John's posts are just plain hilarious.

5. Red Jane (Right Here, Right Now). RJ's commitment to her craft is inspiring, and her vegan links have a wealth of fantastic info. She also wins my award for cutest avatar (which looks nothing like her. BTW).

There! Okay! That wasn't so bad. So, everybody on this list except for Mr. Wells and Tweetey, who already did this - consider yourself tagged! Heh heh heh.


Wandering Coyote said...

Hey, what did you think of Lost last night? I thought it was a great episode. I like the Juliet character even though she's evil (or is she?).

S.M. Elliott said...

I recorded Lost but haven't watched it yet, believe it or not. I'll let you know.
So far I like Juliet, too. She's not exactly reliable, but I think she feels just as trapped and confused as the survivors at times.

tweetey30 said...

Thanks. I like your views too. You have some really good movie reviews. I could never sum up a movie like you do. It makes me want to run out and rent what ever you had reviewed now. LOL... Have a good day. Oh by the way J turned 30 today.

tshsmom said...

Ha! You can't tag ME cuz VV already did! Not to mention Bridg, who tagged me with this a month ago....I'm still working on it.

S.M. Elliott said...

Mom, hurry UP! ;D

Tweets, you're the only person I know who doesn't question my taste in movies! Thanks! Heehee. Happy 30th to J...if he survives the horror of turning 30, then there's hope for me next year. :)

tweetey30 said...

It wasnt too bad. My mom forgot to call and his mother never called at all. She never calls him on his b-day or x-mas or any holiday for that matter. She just doesnt care. But we didnt do much for his b-day. We ran to Appleton to make our carpayment and then home. Fun HUH??? LOL.

Anonymous said...

Heh, three of them I read regularly.

S.M. Elliott said...

Eh, Richard and I don't make a fuss over our birthdays either. This year we went to a cafe down the street and had vegan "meatloaf". It sucks that J's mom ignores every holiday, though! Someday she might regret missing all those special occasions.

tshsmom said...

HEY! I seem to remember that Doug took you to see Ron White on your birthday. That's a BIG DEAL!!

I think J's mom might have a problem with holidays because she was a JW.

Bridget Jones said...

Tshsmom, don't worry about the tag, heaven knows you have enough to handle for now!! All those tags just mean that people love you.

Besides, SME did a great job, that counts doesn't it??

S.M. Elliott said...

Oh, that's right! I did see Ron White. It was technically the day after my birthday, tho.

Bridg is right, no hurry with the tag. We just like ya. ;)

Hawkeyi's Blog said...

outch, I didn't even get a mention from sme :(

tweetey30 said...

That is part of it. J's mom has problems and this isnt the time to get into them. She has her favorite child which she and her partner live with and thats it. She talks to us when we are there but you can tell we arent her favorite or even real likeable.

Laura said...

Aw thanks... {blushes}. I love reading your posts too.

S.M. Elliott said...

Tweets - Ugh, that's awful. Richard and I can't imagine having a favorite among his kids, but I guess some folks are just that way. Her loss!

Richard - you don't get a mention from me because I live with you and listen to your theories rather than read them.

Laura - Aw, you're too modest. ;)

tweetey30 said...

Richard are you picking on Sme again.LOL... Hope all is well.