Thursday, April 26, 2007

Cracker Attacker

Sophie's favorite treat: Saltines.


tshsmom said...

Doug spoils her? RIGHT! Who just let her play with a whole box of crackers? ;)

S.M. Elliott said...

Well, I didn't let her EAT the whole box... ;D

tweetey30 said...

I dont think the box would be to digestable here. LOL...

Bri looks at me and says she wanted two crackers. That is her favorite saying anyway when it comes to crackers.

tshsmom said...

I'm not eating crackers at your house, if you let Sophie play with them! ;)

S.M. Elliott said...

Tweets, I bet she would eat the box, if I let her. She's addicted to paper. ;P

"Two crackers", that's cute! Demi always had funny requests like that too, like "Can I have hot chocolate, but don't stir in the chocolate?"

Mom, Richard actually said the same thing when he saw this video! ;D

Laura said...

Awwwwww. She's CUTE. My old cat used to be obsessed with nacho cheese doritos, he would try to climb in the whole bag. (I spoiled him, but he was terminally ill with FIV, so he deserved it)

tweetey30 said...

Any man that spoils a rabbit I have to meet. LOL... Well hopefully in July then. Still not real sure what is going to happen.

S.M. Elliott said...

Laura, I'm laughing at "he deserved it", cause my grandparents horribly spoil their adopted dog (the dog adopted them), and whenever you point that out they say "oh, but she DESERVES it".

Richard's the spoiler around here, for sure. Even the hamsters were in charge of the household, thanks to him. ;D

I'm hoping we'll be able to see y'all in July, Tweets! But if not, there'll be other chances. Someday I might even convince you to come all the way up here to the frozen north. :)

tweetey30 said...

SME we have it planned for sometime in 2009 but not so sure when exactly yet. J wants a better car to drive up there instead of flying. I would love to see where you live. Just let me know when you know for sure of those dates and then J and I can really discuss it and get back to you on it.

S.M. Elliott said...

Cool! Driving across the prairies isn't so bad. It's an experience if nothing else. We did it when the kids were 8 and 12, and we all survived. I'm not sure how it will be with two teenagers, if we drive this time. ;)

tshsmom said...

The kids were 9 and 13 last time.

S.M. Elliott said...

Oh yeah, that's right. I was close.