Summary: A mountain man sniper (Mark Wahlberg) is framed for a JFK-style assassination by an evil government cabal. Villains include an arrogant senator played by Ned Beatty and some Dr. Strangelove dude in a wheelchair.
The lowdown: Militia types might be beating off to this movie for years to come, but for the rest of society it is lamity lame lame. No characters, no plot, no dialogue, no good.
Monday, April 30, 2007
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I have to say the only movie I have seen with Mark Wahlberg in it and that is a good movie is Fear. I mean we bought another one with him in but it wasnt as good. The Truth about Charlie is the one we bought. Not as good as Fear.
John went to go see this and kinda said the same thing... He also said it was predictable to the end. Though, I did like that the whole reason he went on the revenge rampage was to avenge his dog. That's sweet.
that was short reviews, these are not movies I'd have the paience to watch. Have you seen an inconvenient truth yet? It's very good. Makes one think, heck, it makes me feel like giving up my car!
I liked Fear, too. I never saw The Truth about Charlie, but thought it looked interesting.
Yep, Shooter was predictable from beginning to end. Wahlberg's character had a lot of potential, as did a really old gun fanatic who merely had a few seconds of screen time, but they just didn't do anything with it. Sad. It could have been an excellent paranoia thriller if they'd gone easier on the action and harder on the story. The dog was awesome, though. ;)
We did indeed see An Inconvenient Truth, when it was in the theatre. MUCH more thought-provoking and well-reasoned than anything I expected from Al Gore, who's not the brightest crayon in the box. Richard sent a copy to his family as soon as it came out on DVD. I understand there are some flaws in Gore's data, but on the whole it's a very convincing presentation.
The BIGGEST flaw in Gore's data, is that he doesn't live a "green" lifestyle. Hypocrite!
Yeahm, I kind of figured. We're waiting for Spiderman 3. ;-)
I saved a few dollars, thank you - won't go!
I wish I could recommend something, but sadly I can't! Lotta crap in theatres right now.
I just have no desire to see that one. It looks, well, dumb.
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