Wednesday, May 30, 2007


tweetey30 said...

Goodness gracious. Oh well. It could have been worse right? LOL... I am going back to bed now. I have a cold and I need some more sleep. Hope this dueling doesnt go on to long though. LOL... Have fun with it.

Wandering Coyote said...

Oh my god. You've got to be kidding. Who's the guy with the purple banana hammock? That isn't sexy; that's just plain gross!

Laura said...

Um... wow. That's just H-O-T-T! I miss Richard Dawson, he was an awesome drunken philandering gameshow host!

tshsmom said...

Richard Gere IS sexy!! But that dude under him, with the purple thing is just plain scary. EWWWW!

La Cremiere said...

Muahahahaha hilarious. Esp. the 70 year old in a tankini Borat style. I'll google more of these when work becomes stressful. Cheers!

Oh. and I put you up to a tag if you're up for it. Tweetey's fault.

S.M. Elliott said...

Yep, there's a whole underground group of women (and prob'ly some men) who wanted to do Richard Dawson. I googled that too. But the guy in the purple Borat thing...I don't wanna know.