Monday, May 14, 2007

I think my rabbit is Italian...

Not only does Sophie like opera, she watched The Sopranos tonight.
I don't like either of these things.


tweetey30 said...

UM. I dont see the rabbit turning the tv on or off to watch certain tv shows like a child but I suppose it could happen.LOL... I have never watched the Sapranos so I have no idea what they are like. Does she like speghetti? You said she was Italian. LOL...

tweetey30 said...

You have been tagged. Your it.

S.M. Elliott said...

Well, Sophie can't change the channel (yet), but when I stopped at The Sopranos she seemed really interested, so I left it on for her. She seemed fascinated...
As for spaghetti, I wouldn't be surprised. ;D

I'll check out the tag now.