Monday, May 21, 2007

Move already.

I just love living next door to the Jerry Springer set. Don't get me wrong - most of the folks in our building are perfectly average and upright. It's our immediate neighbors, Hooker Girl and On-Again-Off-Again Boyfriend, and their sidekick Chihuahua from Hell, who drive me insane. The boyfriend is actually a pretty nice guy, taking CfH for walks and chatting in the hall, but she drives him to temper tantrums at least once a week (usually weekends). Today I heard a colossal thump and poked my head into the hallway only to hear another tirade: "I didn't put no porn on your computer! I don't spend my time lookin' at dicks!" Last week it was her: "You wanna get married? You don't even got the money to get married!!"

They're fun.

Their condo is for sale or rent, thank God, but there's no sign of departure yet.

On the upside, I found a fun list of neighbors from hell by googling "psycho neighbors".


tweetey30 said...

Yikes. Sounds like a fun bunch to be near. Some people are just that way. Hopefully they will move soon or shut up at least. I always thought even in condos you had more privacy than what you are saying.

S.M. Elliott said...

It's usually pretty quiet around here, since the walls are thick and mostly soundproof. But if they stand right by their door and fight, which they usually do, we can hear them through our door. :S

Notta Wallflower said...

I'm laughing because it's not me. Seriously, though, I feel your pain. I used to live next door to four blond girls (all very young) who played "Blondie's Greatest Hits" all the frickin' time, at full blast, and left their dog out to bark at all hours of the night.

S.M. Elliott said...

Ugh! Nonstop I know why the government uses loud music to end hostage crises.

I have to admit our current neighbors aren't as bad as Babar, the woman who lived above our old apartment and stomped instead of walked. One day the walls began to shake as if an earthquake was imminent, and we learned she'd bought herself a treadmill.

Laura said...

That kinda makes me feel better about Broadzilla... Hope you get rid of them soon!

tshsmom said...

For all out entertainment value, you couldn't beat that young couple that lived in your apt. bldg. I loved her pink hair and his retro Zubaz pants and snow-white hair! Pink Head was the one with the bug and rodent phobia, wasn't she?

S.M. Elliott said...

Yeah, she freaked out over a sowbug and the whole building had to be sprayed. ;P

Bridget Jones said...

You've gotta be kidding.

Sorry you have those yahoos near you, SME--glad you see the humor in it though.