Tagged by Tweetey. I'm supposed to post a picture of one or both hands and describe them. Different, eh? Mom's post on this should be way more interesting than mine, seeing as she's sort of ambidexterous and can do more stuff with hers (knitting, home repairs, growing things, etc.)
I didn't post the little poem at the beginning of Tweetey's, 'cause it really doesn't apply to me...I hate gardening. ;D
Anyway, I'm right-handed and this is what my right hand spends a lot of time doing: Writing. Lists, notes, random thoughts, reminders, ideas. I rarely type anything; I love writing longhand, and I have exceptionally neat printing that enables me to read things I've written years after the fact. Sometimes when folks see my printing for the first time they get all baffled and ask, "How did you squeeze that notebook into a typewriter?" (Seriously, they do. It's a weird question.) I inherit this from my dad.
I won't tag anyone specifically with this one, but if you happen to have an interesting hand story, have at it! ;)
Thanks for participating. Nice hands though.LOL.. I hate writing. I love typing.
Ugh - my hand writing is terrible, and I blame it on university, where I had to take notes so quickly that legibility was practically thrown out the door. I prefer to type, though I do do quite a bit by hand. Then I have trouble reading my own shorthand at times and, well, I get a little annoyed with myself.
I like the photo of your hand, I love hand writing too.
The only downside is that I always have a weird indented callus on my middle finger...oh, and I'll prob'ly have Carpal Tunnel someday. ;)
How did you know that was gonna be my angle on this meme? ;)
Sure, go ahead and ruin the suspense for everyone!
Oopsie-doodle. ;)
You know me too well! ;)
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