Saturday, May 19, 2007


Well, Demi and her friend had a good time this weekend, and it was great having her here, as always. She's only half an inch shorter than me now.

We spent most of the day at the big mall so the girls could swim and make themselves nauseated on rides. Demi's friend was brave enough to tackle the huge rollercoaster. Later we watched our old standby, Hairspray, much to Richard's disgust (Demi shushes him with, "It's our tradition!" Atta girl.)

Sophie was delighted with the extra attention. She'd plop down in front of the girls and look at them imperiously, like "You may adore me now." Then she piddled on their blankets just to let them know who's boss.

I've got either the flu or food poisoning (probably the latter, given that I had a burrito at the mall), and couldn't go with Richard to drive the girls home. (There aren't many rest stops or gas stations along the way.) I slept a little and caught up on some Losts. I've revised my theory about Desmond's funky time-warp, after seeing the photo of his monk-friend and the jewelry store lady standing side-by-side; I now think he really was skipping back and forth in time, like in Slaughterhouse Five. Maybe that's how he sees the future.

Richard and I did our shopping separately yesterday, but we both headed straight for HMV and picked up - what else? - documentaries. Richard got The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which I rented once (it's quite good, though not as thorough as Will Eisner's graphic book The Plot). I got Deliver Us from Evil, which I wasn't able to find anywhere else even though it was nominated for an Oscar (grr). I'll post a review of it.


tshsmom said...

Did you know that they're remaking Hairspray?
I'm grateful that Hairry doesn't piddle after demanding attention!
I wouldn't go on ANY of those rides at the Mall!! It IS fun watching others being terrified though. ;)

Wandering Coyote said...

I now have Lost season 1 in my hot little hands. Yesterday, I watched 10 episodes straight. It's kinda interesting to watch these older episodes after seeing season three; I know how some of the storylines play out. But overall, I'm enjoying it and I think it's very well done. But so many testosterone-driven fights amongst the men! I was a little surprised by Jin and Sun's relationship at the very beginning. She's almost like an abused woman. I'd only seen them in season three, where they're part of the camp more and getting along much better.

S.M. Elliott said...

Heh heh, sounds just like me when I started watching Lost. I went on an all-out binge.
Yeah, I think Jin had let his boss/father-in-law rub off on him way too much. He was trying to be macho. I think it's his true, gentler nature that comes out later. I just watched the one about Sun's ultrasound - what a bummer!

tweetey30 said...

We will have to come visit and see about those rides. J wont get me on the ferris wheel we have here at our amusement park. But he got Brianna to go up with him. I told you about that.

S.M. Elliott said...

Demi heard something about a remake of Hairspray. She's not thrilled with that idea. ;D

I don't think there's a single ride at the mall I would go on, either. Maybe the ship that swings back and forth. But the thing that zips you up to the roof and plummets stomach curdles just thinking about it. Ditto for that thing that flips you upside down and shakes you. There are tons of cool kid rides, though, including a huge merry-go-round and a couple of slow-moving ferris wheels.