I was tagged by La Cremiere over at Living it Up (she had some great answers to this, you should take a peek).
1. What is the stupidest mistake you have ever made with money? Hmm. I'm quite frugal most of the time, but I sure would like to be refunded for every bad movie I've ever seen. My Super Ex-Girlfriend comes to mind.
No, seriously...
The ex and I put most of our wedding-gift money into his vehicle. I didn't know til a bit later that his dad still held the title, and that created a big problem for us when they had a falling-out. Long story. Not gonna go there.
2. Do you think taxes are unfair or do you think it's your civic duty? I've got no problem with taxes (sorry, Scott), but I'll admit I get pretty peeved when I see crumbling sidewalks, gaping potholes, and poorly educated children.
3. Do you take risks and possibly turn your life upside down for new opportunity? Not on a regular basis, no; I'm far too boring and predictable for that. But I've done it and have no regrets. I moved to this city sight unseen, and moved in with Richard after a whopping two months of dating (we're coming up on our 6th anniversary), so I know that sometimes those instinctive (as opposed to logical or emotional) decisions can be the best ones you'll ever make.
4. Are you the alpha in your household? Er, no. The rabbit is. Then Richard, then me. But only because they're too cute to resist. ;)
5. Do you compromise with your significant other or does someone always get their way? We always joke that the other person gets his/her own way, using a line from a Jim Carrey movie: "OK, let's do what yoooouuuu wanna do!" (*dripping with sarcasm*), and since we say this often, I think we compromise a lot.
6. What curse word do you use most often? Dammit. It's a complaint and a request all rolled into one wordish configuration of letters. Much handier than sh**, which is merely a noun, or f***, which is multipurpose but rather overused, and far less specific than son-of-a-bitch.
7. Do you easily change your mind or are you dead set on most issues? I'm only dead-set on a handful of issues, really. Aside from those, I'm open to change if there's enough solid, persuasive evidence. As an example, I used to think Mother Theresa was the sh**. Then I found out about her support for the Duvalier family and other criminals, her mission's record of atrocious "health care", and her willingness to take cash from just about anyone (even if was obtained illegally, as in the case of Charles Keating's donation). Painful as it was, I had to admit to myself that she was, well, kind of a bitch. Yes. I just called Mother Theresa a bitch. Sue me.
8. What famous person would you like to trade places with for one week? Ack. That's a weird question. I'm thinking of all the chaos in Being John Malkovich. Just 5 minutes in a celebrity's body can permanently change a person's life...think what could happen in a week! I'll stay in my own skin, thanks. It's not perfect but it's mine.
9. If you could go back in time and tell one person off, who would it be and what would you say? Believe it or not, no one. I told off the few people who deserved it, and the people I would've told off when I was younger I've just come to pity.
10. Were you a good student or did you do just enough to get by? HA HA HA. You've seen that movie Rushmore, where the kid is into all these activities but is basically a dunce? That would be me. It's not that I was stupid or didn't want to learn. I was just a bit slow (especially in the math department), a total perfectionist, and a depressive to boot. Sometimes I didn't care, other times I couldn't concentrate. Sometimes my mood lifted and my grades would be OK for a while, but they inevitably slipped by the end of the school year. I never learned the shortcuts used by successful students: I couldn't skim the reading material, I had to digest it all word-for-word; I would spend 70 hours on a project that required 2 and spend 2 on a project that required 70; I was petrified of asking for any kind of help or explanation. And I was stubborn. When English teachers insisted I switch over to the MLA system of notation and abandon footnotes, I still inserted some footnotes because I like footnotes. I've overcome most of these issues. What can I say? I'm a late bloomer.
11. If you could give one piece of advice to someone just starting out on their own, what would you tell them? Learn to cook. You'll never meet your nutritional needs at Denny's or the 7/11.
12. Are people basically good and honest or are most people opportunistic and predatory? I think we all have our bad sides. No one is good and honest all the time, and few are opportunistic and predatory 24/7. Generally, most of us seem to make an effort to be good as often as possible.
13. Is there somebody you wish you could go back and apologize to? No, I can't think of anyone (not for any major reasons, anyway). I'm an apologetic person by nature. I've probably apologized for things that I shouldn't have. But if I felt compelled to apologize for even the smallest slights and mistakes, I'm sure my list would be just as long as Earl's...
Now who shall I tag? I think... Wandering Coyote (take your time, I know you're moving), Laura, and my dad.
Friday, May 04, 2007
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Hey, good post. I'll get on this one soon.
I had tagged her too so she was doing it double time. LOL.. But she is a good friend and got it done. I still havent figured out how to link when putting names in the blog like when some one says here and it has a link to follow. I have no idea how to do that. No need really because we read all the same blogs for the time being. Have a great weekend. Oh J was asking me to ask you when again you figure. I know I sound like a broken record but we need to get a motel room for a couple of nights to go up there. If we can get those done now all we have to do is have gas money.
Yeah, the wedding money always pissed me off too.
As for going back and telling people off...I don't think I missed too many. I'm sooooo happy that you ripped Jack a new one! I wish I would have.
I kind of guessed the rabbit was the Alpha.
And yes, I've seen Rushmore. I loved that flick.
Tweets, we think between the 8th and 12th is when we'll be there. We're leaving on the 6th and it takes 2 full days minimum to get there if we drive (which we probably will). And we'll be spending about 4 days in MN before moving on to southern Ontario to visit Richard's family.
I love Rushmore. I knew I'd love it the minute I read a blurb about it: "Failure stages 'Serpico' at his high school", or something like that.
I enjoyed reading your answers, glad I tagged you. #3 I always felt that the best things happened to me when I followed my instinct or made decisions on impulse instead of rationalising things. I think people tend to over-think and fear sets in and they miss great opportunities. Obviously you did not. :)
Thanks Tweets! NOW I know the dates too. The 2 of us just had to nag them long enough to get an answer. ;)
2. Do you think taxes are unfair or do you think it's your civic duty? I've got no problem with taxes (sorry, Scott), but I'll admit I get pretty peeved when I see crumbling sidewalks, gaping potholes, and poorly educated children.
It Worked!, I've turned her into a socialist! Now if I can just get the doctor to remove that conservative mole growing on my neck...
LC, I think we can talk ourselves out of really good decisions by overthinking them and relying too much on our rational side, going against our instincts. Sometimes intuition is our best friend...I just have to remind myself of this all the time! :)
Mom & Tweets, we've been reluctant to set solid dates til we know for sure. These ones could change, but I'm hoping they don't.
Sorry, sweetie, you haven't totally brainwashed me yet, heehee. I just think we should get our money's worth, that's all...
Ha, why is my name linked to taxes? No need to apologize, you're the one getting fleeced of your hard earned dollars. It's not necessary for the victim of theft to apologize.
I know I've seen you comment on other blogs I visit, but I don't think I've ever been here. Good stuff, and dead on about Mother Theresa. I'm gonna read that really really long post you made about Maher Arar tomorrow.
This is an interesting little tag. I have to wonder who comes up with these things?
Yeah, I heard some awful things about Mother Theresa too. It's the images we portray that's important, not the substance... that's how GWB got elected... twice (well, once, but I won't say anything else about that)
Eh, maybe I've got a socialist streak after all, living in Canada for 6 years. I vaguely recall hearing that income tax is technically unlawful, but since I've never known life without it, I can't bring myself to mind it. I'm a heavy library, public hiking trail, and sidewalk user.
Laura, once is right. *sigh* That's something I wish I'd realized and minded, at the time.
I started to mind Mother T when I learned other charitable orgs in Calcutta were actually getting work done, with far fewer resources, while she was basically running a hospice where people just went to die. Also, she came to Alberta once and accepted a $million check, and all she could do was mutter something about space aliens being Christians.
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