Monday, June 04, 2007

"This is the life."

Sophie enjoys the heat wave...with some help. (She's a little spoiled.)


tweetey30 said...

The girls enjoyed watching her just now. Usually when I get to your blog Kora has already left for school. But she is just getting ready for school now. Her last week of school. I am so glad. Then next month we have to make the big decision on home schooling in the fall or taking our chances and sending her back. I like the idea of home schooling really. Well anyway cute Sophie.

S.M. Elliott said...

Oh wow, between living in Canada and Z. being homeschooled, I almost forgot that American kids will be out of school soon! Schools don't let out here until the beginning of June...Demi and Aaron were utterly peeved when they learned U.S. kids get 3 whole months vaca. "Not fair!" ;D

The way I see, Kora's young enough that if homeschooling doesn't work out for her, it won't be a huge transition for her to go back into school. It's really not a huge risk you're taking. Homeschooling's tough, though, and it would be hard for you and Jeff to manage it when you're both working and still have Bri at home. Unless you can get a part-time night job that will still leave you free to homeschool during the day, maybe?
I know it's a hard decision for you guys and I hope whatever you decide works out for you!

tshsmom said...

That's the beginning of JULY, SME. ;)

tshsmom said...

Did you take that video with the new camera?

S.M. Elliott said...

June. Yeah. I was tired. ;D

Nope, I haven't downloaded the coverter yet 'cause I'm trying to keep the computers off as much as possible. I posted a free demo (with a stupid watermark) on Youtube to test it out, though, and it looks awesome.