I may finally have found a place to board Soph for July! Whew! An assistant at the vet mentioned to us that a cat place in town sometimes boards bunnies, and sure enough they do. We're taking a look at the place tomorrow.
It's bloody hard to find decent boarding for so-called "exotic pets". I have no idea what's so exotic about rabbits, since you can step out your front door at dawn and see about 50 of 'em...
Update: Checked out the cat place, and it will do nicely. Soph will have her own space with lots of fresh kale and hay.
I'll try to post some Vancouver 9/11 stuff tonight, and the rest of my Freud stuff a bit later, but between Richard and Demi this is the closest I've been to a computer all day. ;D
I is in ur blogosphere being jealous. Where are you guys off to this time?
Let's just hope that the bunny comes home the way she was when you dropped her off. We wouldn't want her having too much of a "good time" with any of the male bunnies that might be staying at the animal hotel...
I checked into that. No boyfriend for Sophie...I'm sure she'll be disappointed. She watches a lot of bunny porn on Youtube. ;D
We're heading cross-country to Minnesota for a few days to visit my family, then on to southern Ontario to see Richard's. 2 teenagers, 20 hours, 1 Hyundai: It should be a reality show.
20 hrs is only the first leg of the journey. heehee
For entertainment, you can count how many times "retard" is said.
I told 'em last time that Richard and I are gonna start fighting like them, just to show them how stupid it sounds. "You suck! Just die! You're adopted!"
OOg. I could not handle 20 hours in a car. The longest I've gone is 12 (up to UP Michigan), and that's with stops for breakfast and lunch.
Have fun!
My friend from Alabama eats rabbits. If you get a phone call from a nice lady with an Alabama accent who offers to board your rabbit, just say no.
Have fun. Mom says you guys will more than likely do a post together. LOL... We are going to Milwaukee next weekend. We are leaving Thursday and going through Sunday. Will explain the trip either when I get back or before we leave.
Laura, I've crossed the prairies a few times by car, once with the kids when they were 13 and 9. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger! ;D
ZS, a friend of a friend raises rabbits strictly for food...I really don't think I'd ask him to watch the bunny. I'd have to spraypaint her with "NOT MEAT" first. Also the guy doesn't feed his rabbits properly, 'cause who cares if they're healthy or not if they're just gonna be stew?
Tweets, have fun in Milwaukee! How far is that from you guys?
About two and a half hours. Not to far. Oh we will. We are going to the Museum and then to the Zoo on Friday and then a chess tournment Saturday and Sunday.
you guys are a RIOT! I had to go to a 'we babysit your pet at home" place for THE CAT!
I'm jealous!! But happy for Sophie!
It turned out to be a nice place! There's a huge kitty gymnasium, and Soph will have her own set-up in a separate room, with garden-fresh kale. Not too shabby.
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