Sunday, June 10, 2007

What I Learned This Week

I don't want a blow-by-blow (no pun) account of Paris's incarceration. I don't really care who does what in jail, celebrity-wise or otherwise; once you put on that jumpsuit, you're dead to me.

I really should find out what my houseplants are, instead of just telling people that one of them is a "magical bean tree" and the other is "Rarus Freckledus Plantus from, um, Brazil."
Mary Queen of Scots might have another death on her hands, 'cause I dropped a biography of her on the speckled plant, and it hasn't fully recovered.

Rearranging the furniture now means more rabbit-proofing. I might just leave it where it is forever.

Chuck Palahniuk's book Haunted can scare you before you even open it, 'cause the cover glows in the dark (librarians and bookstore clerks can't warn you about this... they don't work with the lights off).

My former dr., retired to the desert, is working on a book about Jung. If you ever write a book about Jung, don't try to title it Freud is F****d. Your publisher will say no.

Windows Movie Maker is f****d. I can't convert my little slideshow about Freud to web-friendly format.


tweetey30 said...

Plants are nice but dont feel bad. i have no idea what mine are anymore either. no idea. Well need to go get dressed to go get Kora here in 45 minutes. Last day of school.

tshsmom said...

Dad thinks he figured out your Movie Maker problem. He was supposed to email you, but I don't think he did. It's something about the way you save it....

S.M. Elliott said...

Tweets, is Kora excited about her last day, or will she miss school? Sometimes kids really like school at that age (not me!).
I'm glad to know I'm not the only person with mystery plants. I feel weird about it 'cause I think I could take better care of them if I, y'know, knew what they were. But they seem to do fine despite me! The "magical bean tree" actually scares me, it grows so fast. (no beans yet...)

Mom: I solved it! Turns out I deviated from the instructions Aaron gave me, 'cause at one point I forgot what to do and tried to reason it out myself. My way made more sense, but did it work? Of course not.
I uploaded 2 vids and am just waiting for them to process. I'll see how it goes.

Bridget Jones said...

That is one hilarious post, SME!!! Thanks for the tip about the plant, are the spots pink? If so, it's a polka dot plant (no kidding).

tshsmom said...

Ummm, apparently you got that Cheshire cat from Lauren's site, huh?
Who's Lauren? BUSTED! heehee

S.M. Elliott said...

BJ, the spots are yellow. At first I thought it was horribly sick. ;D

Mom, truly I don't know who Lauren is. Does she have the same avatar?! I just googled "Cheshire Cat .gif", looking for something like Dad did with that eclipse animation (I won't use that, 'cause I know you're sick of seeing it). ;)