Still working on my summary of the Vancouver 9/11 Truth conference. I get a wee bit sidetracked with Demi here... you know, building a Flavor of Love house on The Sims, going to Tim's for Ice Capps, playing with Sophie, puzzling over the exotic fruit at the grocery store, torturing Richard with Simpsons reruns. Important stuff. Far more important than a buncha 9/11 Truthers who can't even talk to each other because they all think the other guy's with CSIS...
Truther #1: "So, what do you think about the no-plane theories?"
Truther #2: (narrowing eyes) "I don't know. What do you think about the no-plane theories?"
Truther #1: "I asked you first."
Truther #2: "You 're a mole."
Truther #1: "Ha! Only a mole would say that! I knew it!"
And so on.
I see you remembered your foil hats!
I still can't decide what would be more entertaining from a people-watching standpoint, the 9/11 conference or a Star Trek convention.
I thought you had finished your post on the 9/11 conference? I'm confused...
Definitely Trekkies. Or Trekkers. Or whatever they are. Have you seen the documntary "Trekkies"? OMG, it's bizarre...you don't know whether to laugh or cry.
Karen, so far I've only posted day one of the conference (and I'll have to revise that, since I got a name wrong). I'm trying to condense three days of rambling talks into three or so posts that won't take forever to read...
I missed something then.I havent checked blogs since Saturday morning. LOL... J's home so I dont have the puter so much this week. My posting is a bit sporadic.
Ah so that explains the pile if dishes still piled up in the sink! I'm looking forward to your report of the conference 2 and 3. But in the mean time could you clean that mess?...please sweetie
I admit the phone has been doing some weird clicking, If it were csis, I can only credit them for doing there jobs. I'm an open book and Ive got nothing to hide....cheers CSIS
PS she promised to clean up the mess in the sink yesterday.
Karen, she hasn't even gotten to the weirdos yet. Day 3 is the best! ;)
DEMI AND SME, get those dishes cleaned up!! You gotta get ready to go this weekend!
SME, they're paranoid too?! That'd be like being in a roomful of Grandma S's! :(
*ahem* Well, if people wouldn't stack dishes in the sink at 3 AM, p'raps it wouldn't be a problem...
Actually I didn't see TOO much free-floating paranoia at the conference. It was mostly confined to Day 3.
Flavor of Love house? Wow, I looked at the pics and they definitely have all of that in the Sims - girl on girl action, low cut blouses, kittens in the sink (well maybe not), and bitchin accessories and house decorations. Clearly, I do not make enough use out of my Sims game. :-P
That was one of the better scenes from the otherwise dreadful "Signs."
That was the best scene by far. ;D
Notta, we had fun making up names for the ladies who will be competing for the favors of "Hawtzy Hawt": Kristal Kreem, Chaztitty, etc. The house is hideous... leopard prints, a zebra rug, and hot tubs everywhere. ;D
That Picture with the tin foil looks like something you'd find from those self inflated, deceptive 9/11 conspiracy bunkers at Conspiracy Smasher, Ron Wieck and his dogs would be proud!
Honey, go Easy!
Members of the 9/11 Truth movement killed six Canadian soldiers today.
Got anything "cute" to say?
CSIS, RCMP, PENTAGON, CIA, FBI, EPS,Bush's dog barney are all welcome to look into the events of 9/11. Richard of www.edmonton911truth.com
Including the joker who just posted that stupid last comment
I was under the impression that *Afghani militants* killed six soldiers today. Nothing cute about it. And this is not a Truther site, anon, so save your weird accusations for some other blog.
I strongly support our troops, BTW, as does Edmonton911Truth.
Hate to be a stickler... but people are "Afghans"... an "Afghani" is a unit of money.
Whoops. Thanks, Laura. *blushing*
I always avoided "Afghans" 'cause it only makes me think of fuzzy blankets.
Oh, the joys of anons...I have one, too. Gr.
I won't disable anon commenting unless it gets weird, but man are anons ANNOYING.
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